Depositati emendamenti al testo per limitare la diffusione delle slot machines in negozi e centri commerciali
Regolamento Sale giochi, De Zordo e Alberici:"Bene che sia accolta la nostra proposta di aumento di distanza ma non basta"
Ben 104 slot già aperte alle Piagge. Il regolamento prende spunto dalla mozione Puc al Quartiere 5
Prende le mosse dal Quartiere 5 e dalla mozione approved by this Council on the proposal of Councillor perUnaltracittà Adriana Alberici, the process that concludes today in the City Council to approve the new Municipal Regulations on the opening of the amusement arcades. "Ben is a set of rules in a more narrow the field - said Ornella De Zordo - especially as has been increased from 200 to 500 meters at least the minimum distance from schools and other gathering places to grant a license to install devices with cash prizes, "" It 's an answer to the needs of citizens in and around Via Stuparich who were mobilized and protested against the opening of a playroom in the local ex-Stefan - Alberici continued. " "However - declare two Councillors - we could do more and that is why we will present the amendments."
"The regulations in fact, gives the possibility of installing video games with cash prizes also in commercial establishments other than bars or other establishments of administration, and also in shopping malls and retail stores," continued the adviser added: 'The aggravating factor is that, instead of establishing the maximum number of these games all'intermo of these activities, the Regulations to be approved is limited to establishing a principle of proportion in relation to the area, according to a decree born in 2003 for bars and similar activities. "" But we feel it - goes De Zordo - the Municipality of Florence has the opportunity to establish more restrictive criteria, especially for shopping centers, to prevent the spread of dangerous number of video games of this type, especially in districts that include large pockets of urban and social marginality, as the District 5. "
"To conduct a mapping, for instance, Cantieri Supportive Community of Piagge has always been attentive to the issues of discomfort in youth and school drop-out - said Alberici - shows that in large areas of District 5, starting from Via Baracca and down towards S. Donnino almost all companies have set up the slot and in many cases even more than had been approved. "" In total - according to Alberici - were as many as 104 slot machines issuing cash prizes: a considerable number of worrisome, and if you think to alternative educational and training institutions that offer in the area. "
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