By January 1, 2011 came into force on the prohibition of marketing plastic bags and given to the possibility of business existing stocks free of charge to the customer. The Ministry of Economic Development ha emesso una recente nota specificando che i sacchetti biodegradabili permessi sono esclusivamente quelli che rispondono ai requisiti di biodegradabilità e compostabilità definiti dalla norma tecnica armonizzata UNI EN 13432.
Non essendo però stati pubblicati decreti attuativi o circolari informative resta ancora da capire quali tipologie di sacchi da asporto (con o senza manici) sono vietati, quali comparti del commercio verranno interessati dal provvedimento e le modalità di applicazione di meccanismi sanzionatori.
In attesa di ulteriori sviluppi restano quanto mai validi gli obiettivi e la battaglia che la campagna Porta la Sporta , con il supporto del suo sito conduce da oltre 18 months with extensive communication activities to all Italian local authorities: municipalities, provinces, regions, but also against the supermarket groups, trade associations and individual citizens.
It is no coincidence that the term "sport" is now used also in the Italian regions where it was previously unknown.
The primary objective of the campaign takes the sport is to progressively eliminate the solutions 'disposable' when you have available for the same use of the solutions at the lowest environmental impact. The disposable product that is more impactful with the plastic, a material and as everyone knows is not biodegradable and has a man than life 'eternal'.
The bag, which is certainly not the number one enemy to the environment, but represents the ' emblem of our consumerism longer present and the object of our daily life that accompanies all our purchases. At the same time is the object of which we can more easily unless a number of dotandoci reusable bags. The campaign brings the sport starting from the story on the plastic bag wants to discuss the abuse in the use of plastic disposable and the absurdity of going to waste energy and precious resources convenience to meet momentary and jeopardize the future of generations to come.
Consumerism has managed to make us as normal and unavoidable need for the presence in our daily lives of hundreds of items used for a few minutes, but even a few days or weeks, which, when released, remain in the environment for hundreds of years or landfill: releasing potentially toxic chemicals to human or animal health and, when burned, producing toxins and nano powders.
Not to mention the seas and oceans reduced to landfill where large areas are named by marine researchers plastic minestrone soup more or less dense objects or plastic chips of various sizes that break down slowly until you get to the size of plankton. In vast areas of the ocean, plastic particles than plankton as the amount of at least six times and in more polluted areas to get to 30-40 times, as documented by the Marine Research Foundation Algalia of Charles Moore.
Plastics with its toxic components 'original', in addition to other chemicals dispersed in the water that the plastic absorbs and concentrates in itself, has already entered our food chain and our bodies with a number of obvious consequences health.
We wasted and the cicadas made for almost 50 years buying more than necessary, lured by the sirens of marketing in the service of that economy which was to grow by selling more goods: Now we can not expect there to be made to pay.
During 2010 we got to run out, already in August, the resources that the earth can produce in one year. Therefore we can not ignore the fact that climate change, biodiversity loss and the lack of food and water are clear signs that we can no longer continue to consume 'a credit' with no consequences. He denounced the Global Footprint Network that promotes environmental sustainability through the calculation of 'ecological footprint , an accounting tool that measures the natural resources available and how much we use. The battle to
plastic bag, active in different parts of the world, he is going, (especially in California), to ban the plastic bag and a parallel most popular of the alternative tax in the U.S., paper bag .
This seems to be possible to circumvent any legal remedies that have been instituted by the plastics industry against several California cities that have issued a ban. The complaints were mostly fact-based challenge that the paper bag, (option enabled) was the most environmentally friendly alternative. Penalizing economically disposable in California is proving not to encourage a shift to a more pure material ' disposable ' but to point to a solution reusable hundreds or thousands of times, the solution that the environmental impact studies or LCA identified as the most environmentally suitable.
Despite ban on plastic bags proves a necessary step in most states, including Italy (where the example of Ireland which has reduced consumption by 90% with a tax on bags did not followers) must be accompanied by a series of measures Support going to promote re-usable solutions than using disposables.
Among the possible actions is awareness and education of citizens to make them aware, through the ' information, on what are the environmental consequences of those actions every day.
apparently trivial, and unconsciously guided by consumerism, multiplied by billions of individuals, are responsible for global damage such as pollution from plastic. At the same time you must give citizens who want to reduce their carbon footprint these suggestions and the consumer awareness of alternative solutions that are easy to adopt and close at hand.
on this front has moved and distinct campaign Bring Sporta involving local authorities, associations, schools, supermarket groups, etc.., In a number of initiatives aimed at reducing consumption in the bag.
But times of education and knowledge are necessarily long, since there is no time to lose to be assessed at the same time the measures which, by leveraging the portfolio, reaching even the less receptive.
Predictably, as well as hoped, is the fact that consumers switch gradually use of reusable bags in supermarkets after realizing that biodegradable bags costs at least twice and is more fragile than plastic. Less automatic, the other hand, the move will prove to be in those places where large numbers of bags are marketed: in shops and local markets.
Many operators in the absence of joint initiatives and shared will be limited to include in operating costs, and hence in prices, higher costs that involves the supply of biodegradable bags. Survive such a prohibition, in the imagination of consumers, the illusion of free bag: just the misunderstanding that has fueled growth in the decades of excessive consumption of plastic bags.
Gate called the Sport seats local trade associations to join the campaign by inviting their members to visit the site of the initiative, to build on the suggestions and advice available to download materials (such as flyers and posters) in order to pursue a range of transparency and correctness: informing customers about the impact of disposable, promoting the use of sport and finding effective means of reducing the use of bag including charged to the customer.
In this approach, than applying a pure ban, expected to involve the business and the active participation of citizens urged to embrace new habits, they believed the government of Venice and Florence have adopted our campaign.
To get rid of the environmental and economic weight of the packaging is not that the way to its elimination wherever possible, the three Rs are at least four because even before Reduce, reuse, recycle is REFUSES . The
December 25 entered into force on the Decree No. 205/2010 transposing the European legislation last waste management as a priority that indicates the prevention of rejection that is not his production. If the Italians can not help but use disposable bags, which are waste and waste to avoid, for superficial reasons ranging from laziness, addiction to comfort, lack of organization, as you may think that they may be ready for other actions necessary to reduce the environmental impact of the current styles of life and help reduce CO2 emissions so important?
During the month of January 2011 will launch the second edition of the National Week brings the sport promoted by the Association of Municipalities Virtuosi, WWF, Our Italy, Italian Touring Club and with the support of Agenda 21, and Waste 21 network.
The event, at its second edition, will involve a broad front of stakeholders made up of local authorities, companies, groups of large retailers, consumer associations and trade shops, and individual citizens and will reiterate the importance of taking along a sustainable path that eliminates the waste of resources and energy in daily practice.
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