Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wella Color Comparasin Chart

"The unattainable model Marchionne" Guido Viale

Ci sarà pur una ragione per cui la totalità dell'establishment italiano, dal Foglio della ex coppia Berlusconi-Veronica a Pietro Ichino - quel che resta della componente pensante di un partito ormai decerebrato) - converge nel chiamare «modernizzazione» il diktat di Marchionne («o così, o si chiude»). Che per gli operai di Mirafiori (età media, 48 anni; ridotte capacità lavorative - provocate dal lavoro alle linee - 1500 su 5200; molte donne) vuol dire: 18 rounds, three breaks of ten minutes to meet - in the rear - the physiological needs (at that age, the prostate begins to weigh, and no one knows that better than Italian of the establishment, now at large over 60), even at the end of the table shift (eight hours without eating) and 120 hours of overtime mandatory ban of getting near the holidays, more - is another matter, but not least - a ban on strike you do not accept and "representatives" of the workers selected between, and, those who agree with the boss. While "converge", the establishment instead to call "conservation" - or "reaction", as Giovanni Sartori Corriere 8 January - the choice di opporsi a questo massacro. Nessuno di quei sostenitori della modernità si è però chiesto se il progetto «Fabbrica Italia» della Fiat, nel cui nome viene imposto questa nuova disciplina del lavoro, ha qualche probabilità di essere realizzato.

Vediamo. Nessuno - tranne Massimo Mucchetti - ha rilevato che i 20 miliardi dell'investimento investimento non sono in bilancio e non si sa da dove verranno. Nessuno può né deve sapere a chi e che cosa saranno destinati. Per ora le promesse sono 1.700 milioni di «investimenti» per due fabbriche, 10.700 lavoratori e tre nuovi «modelli» di auto, per una produzione complessiva di circa mezzo milione di vetture all'anno. Fanno, poco più di 150mila euro per employee and, assuming that a model remains in production about three years, little more than a thousand euro per car (based on an average, including SUVs, Alfa and Panda, 20 thousand euro per car, up 5 percent of their price). Where a number of new plants, of course, will also be used for later models, the investment vehicle is even less. Not much.

None - or almost - were asked how likely Marchionne has to sell one million in Europe in over a year that promises to produce the cars in Italy. Faced with a replacement market, at best, stagnant, it means removing at least one million in sales to Volkswagen or French companies well supported by their government. Hard to believe now that Fiat misfires and market share both in Italy and in Europe. To be able to put half a million a year for Alfa (cars, not brand), has already been said to be selling them on the moon. That the prices of Fiat grow is just a sign that the stock market has now made a dive to skin saving. Nobody - not even Giovanni Sartori, who also "had thought of everything" and is very anxious about the fate of the planet - you really have asked that future, including peak oil, reducing emissions and pollution and measures anticongestione, industry 'car in Europe and worldwide.

Yet the topic deserves some reflection. In Europe there is already an excess capacity of 30-40 per cent in the U.S. as well: The Sole24Ore of January 6, informs us that "over the next five years" in China - the new frontier of the global car market - us will be an overcapacity of 20 percent. For the time being - the Republic, Jan. 7 - we learn that "Beijing stifles between gas (and traffic jams and congestion), so that quota, and were subjected to a random draw permits movement. And some time ago, a queue of one hundred kilometers on the outskirts of Beijing was dissolved after a month. Not good news for the automotive industry. But even the government of the "locomotive of the world" begins to think his troubles "Desertification is the most serious ecological problem in the country," said Liu Tuo, head of China's desertification control (the poster, January 6). Nothing to do with the production and circulation of 17 million cars, additional, not replacement, in a year?

The conclusion is clear: the "modernization" in support of which has taken the field, with a militant spirit, all the Italian establishment, is this: a race to the bottom of the conditions of workers, making the workers of each factory troops in a war against the workers of the competition (they are also much worse than those of workers German and French, in spite of higher wages: just consider the increase in occupational diseases) and, as a reward for a lot of sacrifices, the desertification of the planet Earth. If this is the "modernization" - and what else, if not? - Also becomes clear what it means to oppose the substance and its consequences. Not the "conservation" of existence - would be too easy - as claimed by the proponents of the magnificent and progressive globalization, but the design, the claim and the creation of a totally different world, where sharing replaces competition and care commons replaces the race to the appropriation from which all and all, which of course not a matter of a day or a year - some not even a decade or two - or a simple declaration of intent, as articulated and can be documented.

That world must be built piece by piece. Starting almost from scratch. But knowing that the world a "multitude unstoppable" composed of thousands of communities and millions and perhaps billions of human beings), each in its own way and that according to the specific conditions under which it operates and to cooperate with its neighbor, aspiring and already works in the same direction. In the same issue of The Sole24Ore cited an article entitled "Among the workers, a yes for the future" (but the text says just the opposite) has a condemnation of the new agreement (no one considers, as does the establishment, a step forward), but all bow their heads, saying that there is no alternative. "But - maintains an overview of the Fiom - at stake is the work, and who flatter you by the sirens of extremism and the ideologies wrong way." "O known - he adds - to have some alternatives ready."

The problem is just that. There are "ready alternatives." Then you have to prepare and is not a small job. But now that the alternative is the ecological conversion of the industrial system and above all, for its weight, its role and its devastation, the automobile industry - which is not means to green car, which is an oxymoron, but sustainable mobility - he also understood the Fiom. The "modernization" of steps forced Marchionne is changing the role of trade unions. Those petitioners have chosen for himself the role of guardians of the regime at the factory: it was the unions 'Soviet' and it is that trade unions in China "communist". It also changes the role of trade unions that do not give up the defense of workers and conflict. That to maintain its independence is to seek support and give a perspective to those who fought out of the factories so the pooling against the U.S. crisis, joined many members of Fiom, convened for 22 and 23 to Marghera first seminar to discuss and tackle the problem of conversion. This project intends to involve all of the environmental movement, most of the committees and collectives that have struggled in recent years to "another possible world." And, above all, a movement of students, researchers and teachers lined up against the destruction of schools, universities, research and culture imposed by the government that these issues can be found the most fertile ground to provide continuity and strategic breadth its commitment.


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