Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Loose Stool Congestion

At the next City Council motion on" Economic crisis and referendum Fiat

Council Chamber Group - Workshop for another San Casciano-Communist Refoundation

"Economic crisis and referendum Fiat


that the severe crisis we are experiencing is both structural and global economic crisis and is dependent on an environmental crisis and energy;

that the economic-productive system shaken and manifest every day, and its inadequacy unsustainability. This is the time to rethink our model of società e la nostra idea di benessere;

che il governo nazionale non propone soluzioni politiche in grado di fronteggiare la crisi,  ma attua politiche fallimentari che scaricano i costi della crisi sulle fasce più deboli della società, punta alla competizione tramite l'abbassamento del costo del lavoro e delle tutele per i lavoratori, determinando così lavoro precario, disoccupazione, diseguaglianze, e, conseguentemente, un'Italia sempre più povera;

      che il conflitto Fiat-Fiom scoppiato a fine 2010 sul progetto per lo stabilimento di Mirafiori a Torino – che segue l'analoga vicenda presso  the establishment of Pomigliano - is a cornerstone for economic and social future of our country;

CONSIDERING that the bank broke the agreement imposed by Marchionne at the Mirafiori plant, will be proposed cascade (already the case: see the statements Finmeccanica) FIAT and other establishments in the country changing the concept of collective bargaining;

apparent that the attempt, in this as in other occasions, to use economic crisis to clear the rights and protections won by workers and employees through years of struggle;

that the attitude of Fiat in contradiction with Article 39 of the Republican Constitution and with Titles II and III of Law No 20 May 1970 300 (Statute of workers' rights);

that the guarantees proposed by Fiat are almost non-existent, inconsistent as is the recovery plan, which does not seem to take into account the general crisis of the global auto industry - and above all linked to the phenomenon of overproduction on the market today - making it unlikely an exit from the crisis in the sector through a simple increase in productivity;

that the attitude of FIAT, Italy that holds a de facto monopoly in the sector, it is unreasonable the enormous advantages enjoyed by state over the years - through incentives and public funding - at the time when Fiat is set up as a multinational profit only once and is planning the relocation of wage labor in countries where labor costs are lower and fewer controls, which

objectively the company policy of FIAT is heavily biased toward financial speculation and the tip, rather than a revival or a renewal of the company, to a simple restructuring of staff and contracts, preferring instead to invest in acquisitions of shares corporate (investment in Chrysler, now 25%) aimed to mere speculation stock market;


that the referendum on the Mirafiori - despite the climate of intimidation and blackmail of relocation activity aimed at obtaining approval of a plebiscite - has shown precedence only to the extent it is proved that the Fiat has not the consent of workers, particularly in the areas of supply chain, it really affected by


that you can not get out of the economic crisis and the crisis in the sector without calling into question the economic model that has as one meter measure of human welfare, GDP and consumption data

it is necessary new paths, working for an ecological reconversion of the economy, which is based on environmental sustainability and equitable sharing of resources, capable of ensuring the quality of social and labor rights of the person, and introducing new models of production and purchase, saying new lifestyles more sober and more responsible;


to endorse and support, without reservation, the cause of the many workers who have opposed FIOM blackmail the owner of the AD. FIAT, becoming a guarantor, responsible institutional organs of the fundamental rights of citizens, freedom and work has always been a fundamental part of our Constitution
to promote and invest in a conversion ecological, sustainable and inclusive economy as a strategy to overcome the crisis and to give everyone a decent life within the limits of the planet.


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