Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I Buy Colloidal Silver At Pure Foods?

See It referendum against the privatization of water

On the Look, now the floor to citizens

The Constitutional Court has admitted two referendum questions proposed by the movements for water. In the spring, men and women of this country will decide on an essential commodity. The victory of "yes" would change direction on the management of water services and more generally on all property in common.

await the reasons for the failure to consult on the admission of the third question, but it is already clear that this decision does not alter the battle for ripubblicizzazione water that remains intact and strong political referenda.

The Organizing Committee today more than ever calls for an immediate moratorium on the measure of maturity of the Ronchi Decree, and on the revocation of AATO, a necessary act of democracy because to decide on the water are really the Italians.

The Organizing Committee will activate all contacts institutions needed to ask that the date of the referendum vote the same as that of the local elections next spring.

Now begins the final stage, we are confident that the best energies of this country will pull you back.

Rome, January 12, 2011


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