Stop hateful Publiacqua of heavy tax for the adjustment of the security. Yes to the referendum for the public water
Stop hateful heavy tax of Publiacqua per l'adeguamento della cauzione.
Sì ai referendum per l'acqua pubblica
L'ultima Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3, che si è tenuta a Firenze lo scorso 17 dicembre, ci ha ripensato e ha respinto l'aumento del deposito cauzionale imposto da Publiacqua agli utenti titolari di vecchi contratti.
Un po' di storia per capire.
Lo scorso aprile l'Ato3 Medio Valdarno, di cui fa parte anche San Casciano V.P, aveva approvato all'unanimità la nuova carta dei servizi. Forzando l'interpretazione del nuovo regolamento, Publiacqua successivamente ha imposto l'aumento di cauzione a tutti gli utenti.
Adesso l'Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3 ha approvato un ordine del giorno in cui states that these changes should be valid only for new users and Publiacqua asked to return the amounts already withheld the public holders of old contracts.
This document has been approved by a majority, we ask, voted as the mayor of San Casciano, a staunch defender of the corporation that manages our water service?
Consider the decision by the ATO an important step.
This is a first result of the movement to water, the social and political forces that opposed the increase in security, which are generally committed to the ripubblicizzazione water service to a new and fair pricing model.
now invokes the Ato the decision by amending the rules of the service, and to act immediately because there are no refunds.
Publiacqua returned to the people of the sums withheld.
This story, logical consequence of private law with which the corporation operates Publiacqua water services, confirms the importance and necessity of affirming water as a common good, evading the logic of the market, return to public management and participatory local communities.
In recent days, the Constitutional Court has admitted the two referendum questions brought against the privatization of the water by the movements for water. A spring will return the word to the people. We confirm our full commitment to the victory of "yes" to the referendum which represent the instrument for the protection of an essential commodity like water, but also the way it is establishing itself a model of democratic public management of water and in general, all common goods .
Laboratory for another PRC Communist Party-San Casciano
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