Thursday, January 13, 2011

Important Lab Values For Cellulitis

Letter Patrizia Gentilini, oncology, food pollution by dioxins

Letter Patrizia Gentilini, oncologist.
President of the Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì

Dr. Patrizia Gentilini
FORLI - "With the recent scandal of chickens and eggs back to the German dioxin problem food security (... mozzarella bells, Puglia sheep, pigs Irish) but is likely to pass as a news story among many. The term refers to the dioxin TCDD, known as "Seveso dioxin" after the incident of 1976 hazardous infinitesimal doses (billionths of a milligram), has been called the most dangerous substances known, similar to this molecule there are hundreds to when we speak broadly of "dioxins". Molecules are persistent in the environment, whose employment is for 90% via food: fish, milk, meat, eggs and cheese. Dioxins are passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy and lactation. From Studies show that in Italy, an infant of 5 kg assume dioxins from tens to hundreds of times higher than the EU limit. Dioxins under the category of endocrine disruptors. Exposure to dioxins is related to the development of tumors (*). Since this is so dangerous substances has been drawn up in 2004 a Stockholm Convention by 120 countries, including Italy, to ban the intentional production and impose a reduction of the unwanted. Too bad that our country has been the only one not to have ratified! Dioxins are formed under certain temperature conditions in the presence of chlorine. Every combustion process, especially plastics, leading to their formation, and there are in the smoke and ash from incinerators. The eggs are traced back to the dioxin contaminated feed from the administration of industrial oils and other pollutants to the animals, but this obscures the fact that in 2005, in the same region (Lower Saxony), had shown a contamination well beyond the limits of the 28% of chickens raised outdoors - so chickens "free range", which we consider safe because raised in a "natural". Lower Saxony is characterized by steel mills and incinerators. Speaking of feed and of the impact of dioxins does not focus on the consequences of a "development" industrial insane. Have destroyed the civilization, poisoned il territorio con pesticidi e permesso impianti assurdi ed inquinanti come gli inceneritori arreca incalcolabili danni all’ambiente e alla salute e mina la possibilità stessa di sopravvivenza delle generazioni future.
I dati relativi all’agricoltura europea mostrano come l’Italia è destinata al fallimento anche dal punto di vista agricolo che dovrebbe rappresentare l’eccellenza nel nostro Paese. L’ andamento dei redditi agrari del 2010 sul 2009 è: EU +12.3, Danimarca +54.8, Olanda +32, Francia +31, Germania +23, Spagna +7, Italia -3.3 (con calo della superficie agricola di 19.200 kmq negli ultimi 10 anni). Dobbiamo riconoscere il fallimento del modello di sviluppo attuale che non si cura delle conseguenze of their choices and come to contaminate the supply bases polluting even more precious than the food in the world: the mother's milk! "

Patrizia Gentilini - President of Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì


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