Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Welcome Letter To A Church Member


inizitiva this report sponsored by the Committee on Water 2 Yes Referendary Common Good, the merger of the vote on the referendum with the elections che si tengono nei prossimi mesi. Il Governo, tramite dichiarazioni del ministro Maroni, ha invece dichiarato l'intenzione di tenere le votazioni in date seprate (ipotizzando per i referendum l'ultima domenica utile: 12 giugno). In questo modo in diversi comuni italiani si andrebbe al voto tre volte in poche settimane (amministrative, eventuali ballottaggi e poi i referendum), con quale effetto sulla partecipazione è facile immaginare (...sarà mica un caso?) http://www.acquabenecomune.org/raccoltafirme/
APPELLO AL GOVERNO REFERENDUM ACQUA: ACCORPAMENTO CON LE AMMINISTRATIVE Grazie al sostegno di oltre un milione e quattrocentomila donne e uomini di questo Paese, nella prossima primavera il popolo italiano will vote on two referendum ripubblicizzazione water. Who has put his signature did so in the belief that the battle for public water is primarily a battle of civilizations, for the protection and universal access to a common good. Concepts incompatible with any form of privatization and market delivery of a commodity essential to life. And it is a battle of democracy, to give each and everyone the right to decide what belongs to everyone. The two referendums are a serious threat to those who want to get easy profits from the water: there are pressures of the powers that be economic and political institutions, this will accelerate the privatization in the territories, while it is thought to delay the referendum last possible date, June 12, hoping to win the turnout. We do not agree. We believe that water is an essential commodity, to be managed in a public and shared by local communities. We think that referendums are a basic tool of democracy and participation. We think that, in the midst of economic crisis, is inexcusable squandering the money of the citizens. We urge the Government and the political forces and the institutional consolidation of the date of the referendum with the forthcoming elections. Respecting the sovereignty of the people, saving public money and avoiding the absurdity of finding themselves at the polls for three times in a few weeks. 2 Yes
referendum committees for the Common Good Water


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