Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Così il sindaco risponde alla nostra domanda di attualità sulla restituzione della cauzione di Publiacqua

snowing ... There was confusion ... better and then abstaining ! ... no clear answer to our question on the current return of the security Publiacqua. Mayor Massimiliano Pescini announced that in the assembly of Ato, 17 December abstained because the day was "special" because of snow and there were only twenty representatives at the meeting. Strange reasoning, and our concerns are increased when we The Minutes of the meeting of mayors. In reality it was very important meeting which decided, among other things, the pricing and timing of the service concession operator Publiacqua: hot topics on which they voted 33 mayors or their delegates. On the agenda relating to the repayment of the security voted in 30, including 16 in favor, 5 against and 9 abstentions. There seems to see a big difference in the numbers of voters ... On the merits of our application: no response to our request to work towards strengthening the role of car control on the activities of Publiacqua, any commitment on the request to change the Rules of Procedure of the water service, a prerequisite to get the refund of the security. Only generic commitments for weaker sections of society and an indication of the security within the scaling depending on the accuracy of payments. Too little ... We look forward to meeting the ATO on 17 February that will have to decide.


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