Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN Casciano February 7, 2011

Laboratory for another San Casciano-Communist Refoundation presented last City Council agenda for a discussion about the economic crisis and another Fiat.
face this crisis with the models and the recipes of the past would be wrong and shortsighted. We need the courage to embark on new roads, working on a new economic model based on environmental sustainability, social quality, rights, a new way to produce, claiming new lifestyles more sober and more responsible.
The national government does not propose policy solutions that can deal with the crisis, but implementing failed policies that download costs of the crisis on the most vulnerable in society, pointing to competition by lowering labor costs and protections for workers, leading to job insecurity, unemployment, inequality, and, consequently, an Italy more poorer.
In this context, the Fiat-Fiom conflict erupted in late 2010 on the project for the Mirafiori plant in Turin - which follows a similar event in the establishment of Pomigliano - is a cornerstone for economic and social future of our country.
The referendum is not at Mirafiori engineering accounted for a dispute, speaks to us all, talking about defense dignità, di rispetto del lavoro, di diritti, di democrazia, valori da salvaguardare e sostenere non soltanto per chi un lavoro ce l'ha, ma soprattutto per dare prospettive e tutela a chi rischia di perdere il lavoro, al precariato, ai disoccupati, agli studenti.
La multinazionale Fiat, con le ultime dichiarazioni di Marchionne, conferma gli investimenti in Italia solo se gli stabilimenti saranno “governabili” e, in prospettiva, pare prepararsi alla fusione con Chrysler e a migrare negli Usa: continua la politica ricattatoria, una vergogna che dimostra come sia stata fallimentare la strada di tutte le forze politiche dal PD alla Lega di appoggiare Marchionne contro gli operai.
E' veramente il momento di lavorare ad una seria proposta economica alternativa al falso modernismo che l'intero establishment politico-economico italiano cerca di imporre
Non si può uscire dalla crisi economica e dalla crisi di settore se non rimettendo in discussione il modello economico che ha come unico metro di misura del benessere umano il PIL e i dati relativi al consumo. L'unica opportunità possibile per i settori in crisi strutturale è la conversione ambientale del sistema produttivo e dei nostri consumi. I settori in cui progettare, creare opportunità e investire non mancano: dalle fonti di energia rinnovabili all'efficienza energetica, dalla mobilità sostenibile all'agricoltura biologica a chilometri zero, dal riassetto del territorio all'edilizia ecologica.
These are issues addressed in the agenda discussed at the city council. We would have hoped that the document could be shared "left" instead, and left for San Casciano supported the text, helping with some additions, the Democratic Party voted against it and submitted a further order of the day, they have completely missed the proposals and contents. Thinking they could not do otherwise, considering how influential members of the PD have passively accepted the blackmail Marchionne, an attitude resulting from the PD in the absence of proposals for alternative economic policy to the "pensée unique" neoliberal, as well as lack of hard evidence of the instruments you deem necessary to overcome the economic crisis and moral environment of our country.
Yet the crisis demands change, and sustainable and inclusive economy is possible. We are on the side of those who bravely calls into question the liberalism and this fake market, privatization of common goods and the sale of land and the cultural impoverishment that we see more and more "consumers" and less "rights holders".


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