Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Create You Own Football Visors


"Demon's Passion " Gena Showalter :

In a remote fortress in Budapest, you're seductive immortal warriors are linked by an ancient curse that no one has ever managed to break ...
A warrior forced to lie ...
A woman willing to do anything to it ...
The truth is that Gideon is not a luxury you can afford. And that creates some problems with Scarlet, a beautiful guardian of the demon Nightmare, who claims even to be his wife. He does not remember her or have been married, although the idea does not mind at all. That woman makes my blood boil sensual, but leave entrare nella sua vita potrebbe trasformarsi in un disastro di proporzioni epiche. Soprattutto ora che il nemico si avvicina, e la verità minaccia di distruggere tutto ciò che ha imparato ad amare.

*** Attenzione:
di seguito anticipazioni sulla trama (SPOILER) ***

Cosa penso:
Spero che tutte le fans sfegatate di Gena e dei Signori degli Inferi non mi odiano per quello che sto per dire:

After this outburst you can talk, that is to write more calmly.
It took me several days to finish the story because I was bored, I was fed up and found I've got nothing new: just change the name, the type of demon and woman (this time also possessed by a demon) but then the rest remains the same: he / she does not want a history lasting ; both happens to everything and more; he / she decides can not live without the other; he / she decides he wants to have a never-ending story ; he and she will live happily ever after.

This is the gist of the story ... This is the juice
Demon's Passion
... Same thing happened for almost the entire series.

Despite this, the book has merits: even if the story is repetitive Demon's Passion there are many surprises: in the earlier book, Demon's Angel , Gena had made us understand that Gideon and Scarlet respectively Lie and Nightmares, they were husband and wife and that Gideon had not the slightest memory of the two of them together, the only thing to witness their union was the phrase SEPARATE AND 'DIE tattooed in the belly of the warrior identical to that Scarlet had tattooed on his back ...
... Demon's Passion focuses on their two and half book Gena still leaves us with the conviction that the two are husband and wife and that somehow Gideon has lost his memory or, more than anything, he was cleared. This until it enters Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, and aunt Scarlet
... ... here is everything changes ... and honestly I did not expect you to die of curiosity not going to reveal anything at this point ...

Another positive point is the parallel stories that are interwoven with the main story: that of Strider (keeper of the demon of Defeat), Amun (the demon guardian of the Lie) and Sienna (the neo- keeper of the demon of 'Ira)
... For the rest nothing new, same story corny.

Finally I do a rebuke
But as it comes in plan to put Robert Pattison in the group of actors / singers, beautiful and talented ...
p.31 QUOTE:
... "Well for several weeks I called Scarlet Pattison. Have you ever seen Robert Pattison? A cool incredible. I do not care to hunt for younger men: he has an angelic voice and I love a man who could sing to me ... "

GENA how could you??
But you OUT?!

... he who has the habit of playing with a retching always printed on the lips as if about to burp or vomit at any moment !

I'm not kidding ...
Seeing is believing:

GENAAAA ! From you I did not expect.


I read on ... January 31, 2011


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