Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Email After Interview Sample


"Bastard Number One " Janet Evanovich:

Stephanie Plum is nice, solid, witty and unemployed. So plan to go for help al cugino Vinnie, che presta i soldi a chi deve uscire di prigione fino alla data del processo, ma se i debitori non si presentano in tribunale, spedisce sulle loro tracce degli agenti incaricati di catturarli e portarli alla polizia. E Stephanie capita proprio al momento giusto per occuparsi dell'incarico migliore: acciuffare l'irresistibile, affascinante, canagliesco Joe Morelli, con cui aveva avuto una torrida avventura, ora poliziotto in fuga accusato di omicidio.
Munita di pistola, manette e spray antiaggressione, Stephanie si improvvisa agente di recupero cauzioni; ha a che fare con un campionario di maniaci sessuali, ubriaconi e perditempo, e si ritrova coinvolta in vicende paradossali che però conducono tutte allo Morelli same mystery that seems to be the key.

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:
"There are some men who enter into the life of a woman and send the air forever.
Joseph Morelli did to me
- not for Always -
but from time to time. "
Stephanie Plum

It was really a pleasure to read the first volume of the series "Stephanie Plum."
So, in abstinence for a healthy dose of fun and humor and pure ... by the way ... waiting for the sixth book in the series, I felt the need to read from the principle adventures, misadventures and trouble where hunting is always Stephanie Plum.

Women most unlucky of you I've never seen:
divorced, fired and reduced to the green to avoid the risk of losing the apartment she shares with her hamster Rex and so return to live with their parents, decides to play everything and everything going to work as a bounty hunter in the agency's cousin Vinnie
And ... Thus, we see as a sort of COMIC , including thrilling car chase, cars burned, a boxer and a schizophrenic and manic GRANDMOTHER extravagant, in the end Stephanie manages to keep the apartment (thus avoiding the danger parents / grandmother), leading to signs of a "tracked" the most profitable agency: Joe Morelli ... charming seducer hardened cop accused of murder , with whom Stephanie lost her virginity at the age of sixteen.
... "I am a virgin," I said "I'm sure that does not begin to get in trouble with the virgins."
"It 's specializes in virgins! Just touched with the fingers and the virgins turn into slavering pap. "
Two weeks later, Joe Morelli came into the bakery where I worked every day after school, Tasty Pastry ... He bought the cream puffs with chocolate chips, told me that he had enlisted in the Navy and fascinated me out of my panties four minutes after closing time on the floor of Tasty Pastry, behind the shelf where we kept the cream puffs with chocolate.
Will Stephanie this time to resist the fascinating detective??

But despite is rather unlucky, Stephanie Plum is a woman with balls and despite life le abbia voltato le spalle più di una volta, lei è sempre pronta a rimettersi in gioco e guardare le difficoltà che incontra con sfida tanto da venirne fuori quasi sempre illesa, quasi (a parte diciassette punti sul sedere). 

Tra ironia e humor la Evanovich ci ha regalato una splendida e divertente avventura. 


L'ho letto il... 1 Giugno 2009/ 21 Febbraio 2011


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