Monday, February 28, 2011

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T king and you're dead " of Janet Evanovich :

" I checked the bag to be sure I have the essentials: pagers, tissues, hair spray, flashlight, handcuffs, lipstick, pistol bullets, recharged mobile phone, stun gun charged, chewing gum, pepper spray, nail file. I was as tough bounty hunter, no? "

Where did the old Mo Bedemier, accused of misuse of firearms port and free on bail? Thankless task for the bounty hunter Stephanie Plum, as the fugitive in question is not a dangerous drug dealer, but a harmless ice-cream man and loved by everyone in the village, in a quiet residential neighborhood in Trenton, New Jersey. So Mo is not to be harmless, after all, because investigations lead to discovering unexpected and dangerous scenarios, in which Stephanie finds herself embroiled in spite of himself. Not exactly flawless in his work - for that matter, even in clothing and eating habits - Stephanie from his extreme determination, however, that the door chasing a wanted man in all circumstances, even if it means leaving the chair of hairdresser in the middle of a tint. On board a gigantic blue '53 Buick, as its new (not so) Nissan continues to leave on foot, Stephanie manages to juggle chases, shootouts and ambushes. At his side the frantic Lula, a former prostitute-mannered rather brisk, and the dark Ranger. And the police officer Joe Morelli ...

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:

"Life was simple in the Village.
sins were absolved by the Catholic church, the windows were an insult to the neighborhood,
i pettegolezzi ingrassavano la ruota della vita e...
si doveva stare molto attente quando si parlava a una donna di sua figlia. 
Non importava se fosse vero."
Stephanie Plum

Continuano le avventure della più scapestrata cacciatrice di taglie che c’è in giro: Stephanie Plum . 

In questa terzo novel we see our heroine in search of an old ice cream vendor well-liked by everyone in the village , Uncle Mo, which became a fugitive after failing to appear in court to the audience ... so ...
Stephanie, drawing upon himself the wrath the entire village, including that of his family, is forced to try and dig uncle Mo in the life of the nice old man to come to terms with the chilling truth about Uncle Mo.

Among corpses dug up and raining down on the roofs of cars, shootouts, chases and truly hilarious moments we find ourselves catapulted in the "strange world of Stephanie Plum" that do not know how the end always manages to resolve its mission ... ...
are the losers only his car (who knows why they jump in the air forever), his hair (now from brown to bright orange, as Stephanie says: my head like a clown ) and the mental health of all those around her, or that only MISSES (fugitives included).

third book ... ...
third moment of real pleasure

... The small light of the answering machine was flashing. Four messages. The first was
Morelli: "Call me".
I knew it was him because my nipples stood up every time I heard his voice.


... "Do not expect to drink another one of those shakes, right?"
Ranger looked at me, "you would not Evil . With that shirt you look like a teddy bear. "
"Do not seem like a teddy bear! Va bene, è un paio di giorni che non mi depilo le gambe, ma non sono così grassa e pelosa” .
Ranger andò avanti a sorridere

L'ho letto il... 5 Giugno 2009/ 24 Febbraio 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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And like every month end I am pleased to announce that the Blue Nocturne in February from today (yesterday) I'm finally in my clumsy hands

TITLE: love with a vampire
AUTHOR: Jennifer Armintrout
PUBLISHER: Harmony Blue Nocturne

After falling in love with Nathan and he accepted the ' idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to feed on blood, Carrie is convinced that her life is finally headed toward a relative peace. But that illusion did not last long: suddenly, in fact, Nathan turns into a cruel monster. And to make matters worse, his mind is to possess one of the most powerful and evil creatures that exist, the Devourer of Souls. How will the Carrie young and inexperienced to save him and not be killed by those who would exterminate all the vampires of the world?

TITLE: The scratch on the skin
AUTHOR: Rachel Vincent
PUBLISHER: Harmony Blue Nocturne

Sfodera gli artigli e difenditi...
Accusata di aver trasformato l'ex fidanzato in un mutaforma e di averlo ucciso per coprire le proprie tracce, Faythe si ritrova sotto processo. Mentre aspetta il verdetto, all'improvviso compare un'enigmatica ragazzina, Kaici, con la quale soltanto lei sembra in grado di stabilire un rapporto. Ma salvare quella giovane indifesa dal randagio che le dà la caccia e se stessa dalle lotte per il potere del Consiglio degli Alpha si rivelerà tutt'altro che facile. E forse questa volta nemmeno l'amore di Marc basterà a proteggerla.



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was finally announced the date of the meeting, in Italy, including Melissa Marr, author of the saga Wicked Lovely, and its fans:

Monday, March 28 18:00
Libreria Feltrinelli, Piazza Ravegnana, 1 - Bologna

Melissa Marr meets his fans Occasion output of the penultimate book in the series "Radiant Shadow. Sublime Darkness" , edited by Fazi, from February 25 at the bookstore.

"Radiant Shadow. Sublime Darkness" of Melissa Marr
DATA : 320 pg., bound
EAN: 9788876250866

Larger amorous passions have always been doomed to face insurmountable obstacles It is bound to all kinds of difficulties before they can find fulfillment. Yet knowing that prevent conflicts between love and Ani Devlin means going into a world more mysterious and obscure. Here the small universe of people, so far from idyllic elves we have used fairy tales, is ruled by ruthless and beautiful queens for which seduce or kill are tools for the same purpose: to dominate. Here is a web of secrets that winds between our reality and a fantastic dimension in which the alternation between day and night is the result of the desires of one person, here's how the whim of you makes plants usually lack plugs may suddenly become briars and scratch. And that's where the passion of love between Ani and Devlin, including a charming girl and rebellious, half mortal, half fairy to be, and the assassin of the High Court, will blossom. Because the two are inextricably bound by a destiny which makes them at the same time and threat protection for each other. Ani and Devlin, whose first kiss will mark the beginning of a chain of events of unimaginable scale ...

THE LIBRARY IN February 24

IL Rest of the series so far PUBLISHED IN ITALY:
1. "Wicked Lovely. Charming and dangerous" ;
2. "Ink Exchange. Enchantments on the skin" ;
3. "Fragile Eternity. Charming and dangerous" .

While the fifth and final book (for now) Darkest Mercy , will be released negli States nel 2011:


Friday, February 25, 2011

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two too

"Due di troppo" di Janet Evanovich :

  Irresistibile, magnetica, divertente, Stephanie Plum, l'investigatrice più sexy e simpatica del mondo torna con la sua seconda avventura, in cui è alle prese con Kenny Mancuso, un ragazzo come tanti che probabilmente ha appena ammazzato il suo migliore amico. Ancora una volta finirà per scontrarsi con Joe Morelli, poliziotto dal discutibile passato and constantly rev up libido, with the bad habit of meddling in the affairs of Stephanie. Although in this case the suspect that she is finirgli between his feet, making it difficult to work and giving his life that thrill again, that's certainly not lacking. It is not professional, but it is believed, is not beautiful but it's sexy, daring than is absolutely unconscious, and has an unerring nose for trouble: Stephanie Plum is un'antieroina to which people attach themselves to the sound of laughter and why are fans of the first page to last.

*** Note:
below advance the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:

second chapter of the adventures of Stephanie Plum, a second round of laughs ... crepapancia

I love Janet for giving us a character like Stephanie Plum, I love Stephanie Plum it gives us really hilarious moments, love Grandma Mazur, a little old lady with lots of spirit initiative, fearless and very ... very naughty, I love Joseph Morelli, the icing on the cake of this fantastic series and torment in the life of Stephanie ...
I love every character, every event, every place described in this series and I love every car that passes the hands of Stephanie and then to his will or that of others is destroyed, burned or stolen, and I love the legendary Buick or "blue whale" defines it as Stephanie, the car / tank that is intended to be His only means of transport permanent.

two too does not make you miss the first book series, however, brings you a strange sense of greed to want more and more and complain when you find yourself on the last page saying YET! ANCORAAA! ANCORAAAAAA! I want ANCORAAAA! as if you had eaten in under five minutes your favorite dish and already felt the first signs of a chronic withdrawal symptoms ...

So ... suffice it to say all that and listen to my advice:
run out and buy this series ...
... believe me it is worth it.
”Come è andata?” domandai a Morelli quando tornò a tavola.
“Marie sta controllando”.
Nonna Mazur rimase con una cucchiaiata di zuppa a mezz’aria. “E’ una faccenda della polizia? Stiamo lavorando a un caso?”
“No cercavo di prendere appuntamento dal dentista” ripose Morelli. “Ho un’otturazione che sta venendo via”.
”Avresti bisogno di denti come i miei” gli disse la nonna. “Se ne ho bisogno, li posso mandare al dentista per posta”
Questo ed altro è quello  che vi aspetterà!!! 

I read on ... 3 June 2009 / February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Email After Interview Sample


"Bastard Number One " Janet Evanovich:

Stephanie Plum is nice, solid, witty and unemployed. So plan to go for help al cugino Vinnie, che presta i soldi a chi deve uscire di prigione fino alla data del processo, ma se i debitori non si presentano in tribunale, spedisce sulle loro tracce degli agenti incaricati di catturarli e portarli alla polizia. E Stephanie capita proprio al momento giusto per occuparsi dell'incarico migliore: acciuffare l'irresistibile, affascinante, canagliesco Joe Morelli, con cui aveva avuto una torrida avventura, ora poliziotto in fuga accusato di omicidio.
Munita di pistola, manette e spray antiaggressione, Stephanie si improvvisa agente di recupero cauzioni; ha a che fare con un campionario di maniaci sessuali, ubriaconi e perditempo, e si ritrova coinvolta in vicende paradossali che però conducono tutte allo Morelli same mystery that seems to be the key.

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:
"There are some men who enter into the life of a woman and send the air forever.
Joseph Morelli did to me
- not for Always -
but from time to time. "
Stephanie Plum

It was really a pleasure to read the first volume of the series "Stephanie Plum."
So, in abstinence for a healthy dose of fun and humor and pure ... by the way ... waiting for the sixth book in the series, I felt the need to read from the principle adventures, misadventures and trouble where hunting is always Stephanie Plum.

Women most unlucky of you I've never seen:
divorced, fired and reduced to the green to avoid the risk of losing the apartment she shares with her hamster Rex and so return to live with their parents, decides to play everything and everything going to work as a bounty hunter in the agency's cousin Vinnie
And ... Thus, we see as a sort of COMIC , including thrilling car chase, cars burned, a boxer and a schizophrenic and manic GRANDMOTHER extravagant, in the end Stephanie manages to keep the apartment (thus avoiding the danger parents / grandmother), leading to signs of a "tracked" the most profitable agency: Joe Morelli ... charming seducer hardened cop accused of murder , with whom Stephanie lost her virginity at the age of sixteen.
... "I am a virgin," I said "I'm sure that does not begin to get in trouble with the virgins."
"It 's specializes in virgins! Just touched with the fingers and the virgins turn into slavering pap. "
Two weeks later, Joe Morelli came into the bakery where I worked every day after school, Tasty Pastry ... He bought the cream puffs with chocolate chips, told me that he had enlisted in the Navy and fascinated me out of my panties four minutes after closing time on the floor of Tasty Pastry, behind the shelf where we kept the cream puffs with chocolate.
Will Stephanie this time to resist the fascinating detective??

But despite is rather unlucky, Stephanie Plum is a woman with balls and despite life le abbia voltato le spalle più di una volta, lei è sempre pronta a rimettersi in gioco e guardare le difficoltà che incontra con sfida tanto da venirne fuori quasi sempre illesa, quasi (a parte diciassette punti sul sedere). 

Tra ironia e humor la Evanovich ci ha regalato una splendida e divertente avventura. 


L'ho letto il... 1 Giugno 2009/ 21 Febbraio 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bud Vases With Suction Holders

Sookie Stackhouse by

Just as people have understood correctly, the adventures of Sookie from today (perhaps even a week in this part) you can read in the digital age. We carry
"bread bread, wine, wine the content of the email I received a few days ago:

arrived in bookstores the long-awaited digital versions of books of Sookie Stackhouse . On sale at € 7.99 the first four volumes, the following output in the coming weeks.

Erano molto attesi, e ora sono arrivati. È con un certo orgoglio che Delos Books presenta i primi quattro romanzi della serie True Blood della scrittrice Charlaine Harris finalmente in versione ebook. Arrivano in queste ore nelle maggiori librerie online, al prezzo di 7,99 euro l'uno, senza l'aggravio di DRM anticopia: in questo modo, con un prezzo aggressivo (circa la metà della versione stampata) e senza imposizioni che ne limitino l'uso, Delos Books attua la sua strategia antipirateria, l'unica possibile: trattare il lettore con il massimo dell'onestà, sapendo che farà altrettanto.
Quattro Titrate: Until darkness falls , Living Dead in Dallas , The club of the dead and Dead to the world. Do not despair those who have already read the first and wait for the next titles in eBook, coming soon. We expect to complete the entire saga - at least until the last title came out, the tenth - within two or three months. Meanwhile, the cycle will come out even Vicki Nelson signed by Tanya Huff , the other hit series of Harris, one of Harper Connelly , and other securities.
"figs Darkness falls"

you understand ...


Friday, February 18, 2011

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Così il sindaco risponde alla nostra domanda di attualità sulla restituzione della cauzione di Publiacqua

snowing ... There was confusion ... better and then abstaining ! ... no clear answer to our question on the current return of the security Publiacqua. Mayor Massimiliano Pescini announced that in the assembly of Ato, 17 December abstained because the day was "special" because of snow and there were only twenty representatives at the meeting. Strange reasoning, and our concerns are increased when we The Minutes of the meeting of mayors. In reality it was very important meeting which decided, among other things, the pricing and timing of the service concession operator Publiacqua: hot topics on which they voted 33 mayors or their delegates. On the agenda relating to the repayment of the security voted in 30, including 16 in favor, 5 against and 9 abstentions. There seems to see a big difference in the numbers of voters ... On the merits of our application: no response to our request to work towards strengthening the role of car control on the activities of Publiacqua, any commitment on the request to change the Rules of Procedure of the water service, a prerequisite to get the refund of the security. Only generic commitments for weaker sections of society and an indication of the security within the scaling depending on the accuracy of payments. Too little ... We look forward to meeting the ATO on 17 February that will have to decide.

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Se non ora, quando?

Many, many expressions of Sunday, February 13 ... lots and lots!

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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN Casciano February 7, 2011

Laboratory for another San Casciano-Communist Refoundation presented last City Council agenda for a discussion about the economic crisis and another Fiat.
face this crisis with the models and the recipes of the past would be wrong and shortsighted. We need the courage to embark on new roads, working on a new economic model based on environmental sustainability, social quality, rights, a new way to produce, claiming new lifestyles more sober and more responsible.
The national government does not propose policy solutions that can deal with the crisis, but implementing failed policies that download costs of the crisis on the most vulnerable in society, pointing to competition by lowering labor costs and protections for workers, leading to job insecurity, unemployment, inequality, and, consequently, an Italy more poorer.
In this context, the Fiat-Fiom conflict erupted in late 2010 on the project for the Mirafiori plant in Turin - which follows a similar event in the establishment of Pomigliano - is a cornerstone for economic and social future of our country.
The referendum is not at Mirafiori engineering accounted for a dispute, speaks to us all, talking about defense dignità, di rispetto del lavoro, di diritti, di democrazia, valori da salvaguardare e sostenere non soltanto per chi un lavoro ce l'ha, ma soprattutto per dare prospettive e tutela a chi rischia di perdere il lavoro, al precariato, ai disoccupati, agli studenti.
La multinazionale Fiat, con le ultime dichiarazioni di Marchionne, conferma gli investimenti in Italia solo se gli stabilimenti saranno “governabili” e, in prospettiva, pare prepararsi alla fusione con Chrysler e a migrare negli Usa: continua la politica ricattatoria, una vergogna che dimostra come sia stata fallimentare la strada di tutte le forze politiche dal PD alla Lega di appoggiare Marchionne contro gli operai.
E' veramente il momento di lavorare ad una seria proposta economica alternativa al falso modernismo che l'intero establishment politico-economico italiano cerca di imporre
Non si può uscire dalla crisi economica e dalla crisi di settore se non rimettendo in discussione il modello economico che ha come unico metro di misura del benessere umano il PIL e i dati relativi al consumo. L'unica opportunità possibile per i settori in crisi strutturale è la conversione ambientale del sistema produttivo e dei nostri consumi. I settori in cui progettare, creare opportunità e investire non mancano: dalle fonti di energia rinnovabili all'efficienza energetica, dalla mobilità sostenibile all'agricoltura biologica a chilometri zero, dal riassetto del territorio all'edilizia ecologica.
These are issues addressed in the agenda discussed at the city council. We would have hoped that the document could be shared "left" instead, and left for San Casciano supported the text, helping with some additions, the Democratic Party voted against it and submitted a further order of the day, they have completely missed the proposals and contents. Thinking they could not do otherwise, considering how influential members of the PD have passively accepted the blackmail Marchionne, an attitude resulting from the PD in the absence of proposals for alternative economic policy to the "pensée unique" neoliberal, as well as lack of hard evidence of the instruments you deem necessary to overcome the economic crisis and moral environment of our country.
Yet the crisis demands change, and sustainable and inclusive economy is possible. We are on the side of those who bravely calls into question the liberalism and this fake market, privatization of common goods and the sale of land and the cultural impoverishment that we see more and more "consumers" and less "rights holders".

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inizitiva this report sponsored by the Committee on Water 2 Yes Referendary Common Good, the merger of the vote on the referendum with the elections che si tengono nei prossimi mesi. Il Governo, tramite dichiarazioni del ministro Maroni, ha invece dichiarato l'intenzione di tenere le votazioni in date seprate (ipotizzando per i referendum l'ultima domenica utile: 12 giugno). In questo modo in diversi comuni italiani si andrebbe al voto tre volte in poche settimane (amministrative, eventuali ballottaggi e poi i referendum), con quale effetto sulla partecipazione è facile immaginare (...sarà mica un caso?)
APPELLO AL GOVERNO REFERENDUM ACQUA: ACCORPAMENTO CON LE AMMINISTRATIVE Grazie al sostegno di oltre un milione e quattrocentomila donne e uomini di questo Paese, nella prossima primavera il popolo italiano will vote on two referendum ripubblicizzazione water. Who has put his signature did so in the belief that the battle for public water is primarily a battle of civilizations, for the protection and universal access to a common good. Concepts incompatible with any form of privatization and market delivery of a commodity essential to life. And it is a battle of democracy, to give each and everyone the right to decide what belongs to everyone. The two referendums are a serious threat to those who want to get easy profits from the water: there are pressures of the powers that be economic and political institutions, this will accelerate the privatization in the territories, while it is thought to delay the referendum last possible date, June 12, hoping to win the turnout. We do not agree. We believe that water is an essential commodity, to be managed in a public and shared by local communities. We think that referendums are a basic tool of democracy and participation. We think that, in the midst of economic crisis, is inexcusable squandering the money of the citizens. We urge the Government and the political forces and the institutional consolidation of the date of the referendum with the forthcoming elections. Respecting the sovereignty of the people, saving public money and avoiding the absurdity of finding themselves at the polls for three times in a few weeks. 2 Yes
referendum committees for the Common Good Water

Monday, February 14, 2011

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What future for the area formerly Lastrioli? In the municipal council on February 7 was discussed this, starting with an agenda presented by the majority "Adding new stores in the municipality." The text of the document is vague and some passages are obviously contradictory. We would welcome the inclusion of only certain types of business, but what? On the other hand, the council has no powers in the selection of new business. So why la maggioranza ha presentato questo ordine del giorno? Il documento mancava di trasparenza e chiarezza, coerentemente come gruppo consiliare non abbiamo partecipato alla votazione, sottolineando che lo strumento urbanistico di riferimento non può che essere  il Piano Strutturale che non prevede l'inserimento di esercizi di grande distribuzione. Vedremo gli ulteriori sviluppi, da parte nostra pensiamo debbano essere sostenuti e promossi tutti quei circuiti economici capaci di valorizzare le risorse territoriali secondo criteri di equità sociale e sostenibilità e sarebbe opportuno meglio definire e valorizzare le potenzialità del centro storico in rapporto con il territorio circostante.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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"The Enigma of Mansfield Park . O: The Crawford affair " Carrie Bebris:

It just became quiet in the beloved Pemberley, where Mr and Mrs Darcy, veterans of the last recent adventure, can not wait to retire and finally enjoy the new baby. But, again, is a desire destined to remain unfulfilled. To save the family's reputation, in fact, Darcy and Elizabeth must rush to Mansfield Park, where their presence is required, or rather demanded, by Darcy's aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. His daughter Anne is in fact gone to escape the plots of his mother, who wanted to marry a rich man and of noble birth, of which the young man was not in love. Darcy and Elizabeth can not let the life of the young in danger of being destroyed by the ambitions of a mother too ambitious, or the reputation of the family is put into play. But as soon as they begin to investigate to find Anne and bring her home, emerging secrets and deceptions that will make the situation more complicated, until it plunged, threatening to drag in the mire of infamy and lies the whole family ... Darcy

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:
Fourth Mystery book series , The enigma of Mansfield Park has all the requirements of good books that preceded it.

The Bebris once again spared no intrigues, mysteries, duels and magnificent views of English landscapes ... Among
incredible escapes of love, arranged marriages and so Machiavellian duels fought for the honor of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Darcy once again have their work cut out investigating and will scrupulously and boldly at the head of an even more tangled skein of yarn Ariadne .

And 'I'm useless here to describe the plot, I leave you with the correct curiosities che vi permetterà di apprezzare maggiormente la storia...
... ma è giusto che vi dica che il libro mi ha entusiasmato e divertita, coinvolgendomi nella storia talmente tanto da vedermi passeggiare, in abiti dall' 800, accanto ai nostri eroi e vivere, come se ne fossi stata testimone diretta, l'intera storia.


L'ho letto il... 1o Febbraio 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Clean Rust Cookie Sheet

I bought my first ebook

Today I bought my first Ebook:

TITLE: Young, Carine and lying
AUTHOR: Sara Sherpad
ORIGINAL TITLE: Pretty Little Liars
EDITOR: Newton Compton

  Le bugie hanno gambe bellissime

Philadelphia. Nel quartiere esclusivo di Rosewood, quattro ragazze vivono tranquille tra manicure, pettegolezzi e problemi d’amore. L’intellettuale Aria ha una storia con il suo professore; Hanna, fashionist incallita, è sempre a caccia di vestiti e accessori; la raffinata Spencer vede in segreto il fidanzato di sua sorella, mentre Emily è alle prese con una strana attrazione per una nuova compagna di classe. Ma queste quattro amiche dall’aria così ingenua e fragile in passato hanno davvero esagerato con i loro diabolici “scherzetti”, headed by Alison, the leader of the group suddenly disappeared three years earlier. And when you begin receiving disturbing messages with a mysterious signature, a simple A, begin to suspect that someone who knows all the secrets they're back. It is certainly Alison, who can not wait to ruin his life to his former comrades ...

This is the cover Ebook

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Ti stanno portando via l'acqua. Comincia a fermarli. Now

you are taking away the water. Begins to stop them. Now.
learn how to turn in favor of the referendum campaign for the Common Good on Water

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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"Demon's Passion " Gena Showalter :

In a remote fortress in Budapest, you're seductive immortal warriors are linked by an ancient curse that no one has ever managed to break ...
A warrior forced to lie ...
A woman willing to do anything to it ...
The truth is that Gideon is not a luxury you can afford. And that creates some problems with Scarlet, a beautiful guardian of the demon Nightmare, who claims even to be his wife. He does not remember her or have been married, although the idea does not mind at all. That woman makes my blood boil sensual, but leave entrare nella sua vita potrebbe trasformarsi in un disastro di proporzioni epiche. Soprattutto ora che il nemico si avvicina, e la verità minaccia di distruggere tutto ciò che ha imparato ad amare.

*** Attenzione:
di seguito anticipazioni sulla trama (SPOILER) ***

Cosa penso:
Spero che tutte le fans sfegatate di Gena e dei Signori degli Inferi non mi odiano per quello che sto per dire:

After this outburst you can talk, that is to write more calmly.
It took me several days to finish the story because I was bored, I was fed up and found I've got nothing new: just change the name, the type of demon and woman (this time also possessed by a demon) but then the rest remains the same: he / she does not want a history lasting ; both happens to everything and more; he / she decides can not live without the other; he / she decides he wants to have a never-ending story ; he and she will live happily ever after.

This is the gist of the story ... This is the juice
Demon's Passion
... Same thing happened for almost the entire series.

Despite this, the book has merits: even if the story is repetitive Demon's Passion there are many surprises: in the earlier book, Demon's Angel , Gena had made us understand that Gideon and Scarlet respectively Lie and Nightmares, they were husband and wife and that Gideon had not the slightest memory of the two of them together, the only thing to witness their union was the phrase SEPARATE AND 'DIE tattooed in the belly of the warrior identical to that Scarlet had tattooed on his back ...
... Demon's Passion focuses on their two and half book Gena still leaves us with the conviction that the two are husband and wife and that somehow Gideon has lost his memory or, more than anything, he was cleared. This until it enters Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, and aunt Scarlet
... ... here is everything changes ... and honestly I did not expect you to die of curiosity not going to reveal anything at this point ...

Another positive point is the parallel stories that are interwoven with the main story: that of Strider (keeper of the demon of Defeat), Amun (the demon guardian of the Lie) and Sienna (the neo- keeper of the demon of 'Ira)
... For the rest nothing new, same story corny.

Finally I do a rebuke
But as it comes in plan to put Robert Pattison in the group of actors / singers, beautiful and talented ...
p.31 QUOTE:
... "Well for several weeks I called Scarlet Pattison. Have you ever seen Robert Pattison? A cool incredible. I do not care to hunt for younger men: he has an angelic voice and I love a man who could sing to me ... "

GENA how could you??
But you OUT?!

... he who has the habit of playing with a retching always printed on the lips as if about to burp or vomit at any moment !

I'm not kidding ...
Seeing is believing:

GENAAAA ! From you I did not expect.


I read on ... January 31, 2011