At the next City Council motion on" Economic crisis and referendum Fiat
Council Chamber Group - Workshop for another San Casciano-Communist Refoundation
"Economic crisis and referendum Fiat
that the severe crisis we are experiencing is both structural and global economic crisis and is dependent on an environmental crisis and energy;
that the economic-productive system shaken and manifest every day, and its inadequacy unsustainability. This is the time to rethink our model of società e la nostra idea di benessere;
che il governo nazionale non propone soluzioni politiche in grado di fronteggiare la crisi, ma attua politiche fallimentari che scaricano i costi della crisi sulle fasce più deboli della società, punta alla competizione tramite l'abbassamento del costo del lavoro e delle tutele per i lavoratori, determinando così lavoro precario, disoccupazione, diseguaglianze, e, conseguentemente, un'Italia sempre più povera;
che il conflitto Fiat-Fiom scoppiato a fine 2010 sul progetto per lo stabilimento di Mirafiori a Torino – che segue l'analoga vicenda presso the establishment of Pomigliano - is a cornerstone for economic and social future of our country;
CONSIDERING that the bank broke the agreement imposed by Marchionne at the Mirafiori plant, will be proposed cascade (already the case: see the statements Finmeccanica) FIAT and other establishments in the country changing the concept of collective bargaining;
apparent that the attempt, in this as in other occasions, to use economic crisis to clear the rights and protections won by workers and employees through years of struggle;
that the attitude of Fiat in contradiction with Article 39 of the Republican Constitution and with Titles II and III of Law No 20 May 1970 300 (Statute of workers' rights);
that the guarantees proposed by Fiat are almost non-existent, inconsistent as is the recovery plan, which does not seem to take into account the general crisis of the global auto industry - and above all linked to the phenomenon of overproduction on the market today - making it unlikely an exit from the crisis in the sector through a simple increase in productivity;
that the attitude of FIAT, Italy that holds a de facto monopoly in the sector, it is unreasonable the enormous advantages enjoyed by state over the years - through incentives and public funding - at the time when Fiat is set up as a multinational profit only once and is planning the relocation of wage labor in countries where labor costs are lower and fewer controls, which
objectively the company policy of FIAT is heavily biased toward financial speculation and the tip, rather than a revival or a renewal of the company, to a simple restructuring of staff and contracts, preferring instead to invest in acquisitions of shares corporate (investment in Chrysler, now 25%) aimed to mere speculation stock market;
that the referendum on the Mirafiori - despite the climate of intimidation and blackmail of relocation activity aimed at obtaining approval of a plebiscite - has shown precedence only to the extent it is proved that the Fiat has not the consent of workers, particularly in the areas of supply chain, it really affected by
that you can not get out of the economic crisis and the crisis in the sector without calling into question the economic model that has as one meter measure of human welfare, GDP and consumption data
it is necessary new paths, working for an ecological reconversion of the economy, which is based on environmental sustainability and equitable sharing of resources, capable of ensuring the quality of social and labor rights of the person, and introducing new models of production and purchase, saying new lifestyles more sober and more responsible;
to endorse and support, without reservation, the cause of the many workers who have opposed FIOM blackmail the owner of the AD. FIAT, becoming a guarantor, responsible institutional organs of the fundamental rights of citizens, freedom and work has always been a fundamental part of our Constitution
to promote and invest in a conversion ecological, sustainable and inclusive economy as a strategy to overcome the crisis and to give everyone a decent life within the limits of the planet.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Melted Electrical Outlet
Public Water and without fees
The New Courier Florence, January 20, 2011
San Casciano Val di Pesa. "Laboratory" raises his voice and accused the management entity
public water and without fees
read the article
The New Courier Florence, January 20, 2011
San Casciano Val di Pesa. "Laboratory" raises his voice and accused the management entity
public water and without fees
read the article
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Orange Camo Wedding Vest
This banner will open the regional events to be held January 28 the next day of the strike proclaimed by the General category Fiom
To sign our appeal you can go to our delegates, our delegates to the territorial Fiom or via the website by clicking here
We called the general strike of metal workers to January 28, is a key step for the reconquest of the National Agreement and the Protection of Human Rights in the workplace.
The choice made by the body of the Fiat Mirafiori and Pomigliano D'Arco is an act unconstitutional, undemocratic and authoritarian unprecedented in the history of labor relations in our country since the war.
is an attack on the principles and values \u200b\u200bof the Italian Constitution and democracy because it tramples on the freedom of working men and women to decide which union to join collectively to defend their rights and elect their own representatives in the company. Who does not sign disappears and becomes a signatory unions and corporate guardian of the choices imposed by Fiat. Cancel the Contract Labour and National factory conditions worsen, you increase the exploitation and working time, it affects every right to strike and reduces the pay for those who get sick at once in wiping out years of struggle and achievements .
's blackmail Marchionne is consistent with the destruction of labor legislation in place that wants to make all alone and insecure, it's the same logic regressive put into practice by the government with the attack on the right to study and research carried out by the approval of the bill Gelmini and cutting funds for information and culture. They get so
checkmated fundamental democratic principles of civil coexistence.
Fiom considered a common good and work for this October 16th after the blackmail / referendum illegitimate by Pomigliano Fiat has created a great event, open to all those involved in the defense of constitutional rights and liberties inviolable . The general strike proclaimed
per il 28 gennaio della categoria e le manifestazioni dopo il ricatto/referendum di Mirafiori hanno lo stesso obiettivo: come ha dimostrato l’introduzione delle deroghe nel Contratto Nazionale dei metalmeccanici firmato da Federmeccanica e le altre organizzazioni sindacali, quando si ledono diritti fondamentali la ferita non si circoscrive ma travolge progressivamente tutto il mondo del lavoro.
La Fiom è impegnata a sostenere il Contratto Collettivo Nazionale di Lavoro senza deroghe, a difendere la legalità, la democrazia e la libertà di rappresentanza sindacale, a combattere la precarietà e il dominio del mercato che divorano la vita delle persone e compromettono la coesione sociale e il futuro del paese.
Chiediamo a tutte le persone, le associazioni e i movimenti che condividono queste ragioni di sostenere la lotta dei metalmeccanici e di firmare questo nostro appello.
Wella Color Comparasin Chart
"The unattainable model Marchionne" Guido Viale
Ci sarà pur una ragione per cui la totalità dell'establishment italiano, dal Foglio della ex coppia Berlusconi-Veronica a Pietro Ichino - quel che resta della componente pensante di un partito ormai decerebrato) - converge nel chiamare «modernizzazione» il diktat di Marchionne («o così, o si chiude»). Che per gli operai di Mirafiori (età media, 48 anni; ridotte capacità lavorative - provocate dal lavoro alle linee - 1500 su 5200; molte donne) vuol dire: 18 rounds, three breaks of ten minutes to meet - in the rear - the physiological needs (at that age, the prostate begins to weigh, and no one knows that better than Italian of the establishment, now at large over 60), even at the end of the table shift (eight hours without eating) and 120 hours of overtime mandatory ban of getting near the holidays, more - is another matter, but not least - a ban on strike you do not accept and "representatives" of the workers selected between, and, those who agree with the boss. While "converge", the establishment instead to call "conservation" - or "reaction", as Giovanni Sartori Corriere 8 January - the choice di opporsi a questo massacro. Nessuno di quei sostenitori della modernità si è però chiesto se il progetto «Fabbrica Italia» della Fiat, nel cui nome viene imposto questa nuova disciplina del lavoro, ha qualche probabilità di essere realizzato.
Vediamo. Nessuno - tranne Massimo Mucchetti - ha rilevato che i 20 miliardi dell'investimento investimento non sono in bilancio e non si sa da dove verranno. Nessuno può né deve sapere a chi e che cosa saranno destinati. Per ora le promesse sono 1.700 milioni di «investimenti» per due fabbriche, 10.700 lavoratori e tre nuovi «modelli» di auto, per una produzione complessiva di circa mezzo milione di vetture all'anno. Fanno, poco più di 150mila euro per employee and, assuming that a model remains in production about three years, little more than a thousand euro per car (based on an average, including SUVs, Alfa and Panda, 20 thousand euro per car, up 5 percent of their price). Where a number of new plants, of course, will also be used for later models, the investment vehicle is even less. Not much.
None - or almost - were asked how likely Marchionne has to sell one million in Europe in over a year that promises to produce the cars in Italy. Faced with a replacement market, at best, stagnant, it means removing at least one million in sales to Volkswagen or French companies well supported by their government. Hard to believe now that Fiat misfires and market share both in Italy and in Europe. To be able to put half a million a year for Alfa (cars, not brand), has already been said to be selling them on the moon. That the prices of Fiat grow is just a sign that the stock market has now made a dive to skin saving. Nobody - not even Giovanni Sartori, who also "had thought of everything" and is very anxious about the fate of the planet - you really have asked that future, including peak oil, reducing emissions and pollution and measures anticongestione, industry 'car in Europe and worldwide.
Yet the topic deserves some reflection. In Europe there is already an excess capacity of 30-40 per cent in the U.S. as well: The Sole24Ore of January 6, informs us that "over the next five years" in China - the new frontier of the global car market - us will be an overcapacity of 20 percent. For the time being - the Republic, Jan. 7 - we learn that "Beijing stifles between gas (and traffic jams and congestion), so that quota, and were subjected to a random draw permits movement. And some time ago, a queue of one hundred kilometers on the outskirts of Beijing was dissolved after a month. Not good news for the automotive industry. But even the government of the "locomotive of the world" begins to think his troubles "Desertification is the most serious ecological problem in the country," said Liu Tuo, head of China's desertification control (the poster, January 6). Nothing to do with the production and circulation of 17 million cars, additional, not replacement, in a year?
The conclusion is clear: the "modernization" in support of which has taken the field, with a militant spirit, all the Italian establishment, is this: a race to the bottom of the conditions of workers, making the workers of each factory troops in a war against the workers of the competition (they are also much worse than those of workers German and French, in spite of higher wages: just consider the increase in occupational diseases) and, as a reward for a lot of sacrifices, the desertification of the planet Earth. If this is the "modernization" - and what else, if not? - Also becomes clear what it means to oppose the substance and its consequences. Not the "conservation" of existence - would be too easy - as claimed by the proponents of the magnificent and progressive globalization, but the design, the claim and the creation of a totally different world, where sharing replaces competition and care commons replaces the race to the appropriation from which all and all, which of course not a matter of a day or a year - some not even a decade or two - or a simple declaration of intent, as articulated and can be documented.
That world must be built piece by piece. Starting almost from scratch. But knowing that the world a "multitude unstoppable" composed of thousands of communities and millions and perhaps billions of human beings), each in its own way and that according to the specific conditions under which it operates and to cooperate with its neighbor, aspiring and already works in the same direction. In the same issue of The Sole24Ore cited an article entitled "Among the workers, a yes for the future" (but the text says just the opposite) has a condemnation of the new agreement (no one considers, as does the establishment, a step forward), but all bow their heads, saying that there is no alternative. "But - maintains an overview of the Fiom - at stake is the work, and who flatter you by the sirens of extremism and the ideologies wrong way." "O known - he adds - to have some alternatives ready."
The problem is just that. There are "ready alternatives." Then you have to prepare and is not a small job. But now that the alternative is the ecological conversion of the industrial system and above all, for its weight, its role and its devastation, the automobile industry - which is not means to green car, which is an oxymoron, but sustainable mobility - he also understood the Fiom. The "modernization" of steps forced Marchionne is changing the role of trade unions. Those petitioners have chosen for himself the role of guardians of the regime at the factory: it was the unions 'Soviet' and it is that trade unions in China "communist". It also changes the role of trade unions that do not give up the defense of workers and conflict. That to maintain its independence is to seek support and give a perspective to those who fought out of the factories so the pooling against the U.S. crisis, joined many members of Fiom, convened for 22 and 23 to Marghera first seminar to discuss and tackle the problem of conversion. This project intends to involve all of the environmental movement, most of the committees and collectives that have struggled in recent years to "another possible world." And, above all, a movement of students, researchers and teachers lined up against the destruction of schools, universities, research and culture imposed by the government that these issues can be found the most fertile ground to provide continuity and strategic breadth its commitment.
Ci sarà pur una ragione per cui la totalità dell'establishment italiano, dal Foglio della ex coppia Berlusconi-Veronica a Pietro Ichino - quel che resta della componente pensante di un partito ormai decerebrato) - converge nel chiamare «modernizzazione» il diktat di Marchionne («o così, o si chiude»). Che per gli operai di Mirafiori (età media, 48 anni; ridotte capacità lavorative - provocate dal lavoro alle linee - 1500 su 5200; molte donne) vuol dire: 18 rounds, three breaks of ten minutes to meet - in the rear - the physiological needs (at that age, the prostate begins to weigh, and no one knows that better than Italian of the establishment, now at large over 60), even at the end of the table shift (eight hours without eating) and 120 hours of overtime mandatory ban of getting near the holidays, more - is another matter, but not least - a ban on strike you do not accept and "representatives" of the workers selected between, and, those who agree with the boss. While "converge", the establishment instead to call "conservation" - or "reaction", as Giovanni Sartori Corriere 8 January - the choice di opporsi a questo massacro. Nessuno di quei sostenitori della modernità si è però chiesto se il progetto «Fabbrica Italia» della Fiat, nel cui nome viene imposto questa nuova disciplina del lavoro, ha qualche probabilità di essere realizzato.
Vediamo. Nessuno - tranne Massimo Mucchetti - ha rilevato che i 20 miliardi dell'investimento investimento non sono in bilancio e non si sa da dove verranno. Nessuno può né deve sapere a chi e che cosa saranno destinati. Per ora le promesse sono 1.700 milioni di «investimenti» per due fabbriche, 10.700 lavoratori e tre nuovi «modelli» di auto, per una produzione complessiva di circa mezzo milione di vetture all'anno. Fanno, poco più di 150mila euro per employee and, assuming that a model remains in production about three years, little more than a thousand euro per car (based on an average, including SUVs, Alfa and Panda, 20 thousand euro per car, up 5 percent of their price). Where a number of new plants, of course, will also be used for later models, the investment vehicle is even less. Not much.
None - or almost - were asked how likely Marchionne has to sell one million in Europe in over a year that promises to produce the cars in Italy. Faced with a replacement market, at best, stagnant, it means removing at least one million in sales to Volkswagen or French companies well supported by their government. Hard to believe now that Fiat misfires and market share both in Italy and in Europe. To be able to put half a million a year for Alfa (cars, not brand), has already been said to be selling them on the moon. That the prices of Fiat grow is just a sign that the stock market has now made a dive to skin saving. Nobody - not even Giovanni Sartori, who also "had thought of everything" and is very anxious about the fate of the planet - you really have asked that future, including peak oil, reducing emissions and pollution and measures anticongestione, industry 'car in Europe and worldwide.
Yet the topic deserves some reflection. In Europe there is already an excess capacity of 30-40 per cent in the U.S. as well: The Sole24Ore of January 6, informs us that "over the next five years" in China - the new frontier of the global car market - us will be an overcapacity of 20 percent. For the time being - the Republic, Jan. 7 - we learn that "Beijing stifles between gas (and traffic jams and congestion), so that quota, and were subjected to a random draw permits movement. And some time ago, a queue of one hundred kilometers on the outskirts of Beijing was dissolved after a month. Not good news for the automotive industry. But even the government of the "locomotive of the world" begins to think his troubles "Desertification is the most serious ecological problem in the country," said Liu Tuo, head of China's desertification control (the poster, January 6). Nothing to do with the production and circulation of 17 million cars, additional, not replacement, in a year?
The conclusion is clear: the "modernization" in support of which has taken the field, with a militant spirit, all the Italian establishment, is this: a race to the bottom of the conditions of workers, making the workers of each factory troops in a war against the workers of the competition (they are also much worse than those of workers German and French, in spite of higher wages: just consider the increase in occupational diseases) and, as a reward for a lot of sacrifices, the desertification of the planet Earth. If this is the "modernization" - and what else, if not? - Also becomes clear what it means to oppose the substance and its consequences. Not the "conservation" of existence - would be too easy - as claimed by the proponents of the magnificent and progressive globalization, but the design, the claim and the creation of a totally different world, where sharing replaces competition and care commons replaces the race to the appropriation from which all and all, which of course not a matter of a day or a year - some not even a decade or two - or a simple declaration of intent, as articulated and can be documented.
That world must be built piece by piece. Starting almost from scratch. But knowing that the world a "multitude unstoppable" composed of thousands of communities and millions and perhaps billions of human beings), each in its own way and that according to the specific conditions under which it operates and to cooperate with its neighbor, aspiring and already works in the same direction. In the same issue of The Sole24Ore cited an article entitled "Among the workers, a yes for the future" (but the text says just the opposite) has a condemnation of the new agreement (no one considers, as does the establishment, a step forward), but all bow their heads, saying that there is no alternative. "But - maintains an overview of the Fiom - at stake is the work, and who flatter you by the sirens of extremism and the ideologies wrong way." "O known - he adds - to have some alternatives ready."
The problem is just that. There are "ready alternatives." Then you have to prepare and is not a small job. But now that the alternative is the ecological conversion of the industrial system and above all, for its weight, its role and its devastation, the automobile industry - which is not means to green car, which is an oxymoron, but sustainable mobility - he also understood the Fiom. The "modernization" of steps forced Marchionne is changing the role of trade unions. Those petitioners have chosen for himself the role of guardians of the regime at the factory: it was the unions 'Soviet' and it is that trade unions in China "communist". It also changes the role of trade unions that do not give up the defense of workers and conflict. That to maintain its independence is to seek support and give a perspective to those who fought out of the factories so the pooling against the U.S. crisis, joined many members of Fiom, convened for 22 and 23 to Marghera first seminar to discuss and tackle the problem of conversion. This project intends to involve all of the environmental movement, most of the committees and collectives that have struggled in recent years to "another possible world." And, above all, a movement of students, researchers and teachers lined up against the destruction of schools, universities, research and culture imposed by the government that these issues can be found the most fertile ground to provide continuity and strategic breadth its commitment.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
How Can I Skip A Period On Camila?
Over 10 thousand signatures in two hours! Sign and spread the appeal" Resignation " written in English by the historian Paul Ginsborg, signed by Gustavo and Sandra Bonsanti Zagrebelsky on behalf of the entire association, to demand the resignation of Berlusconi. Read the text in English, Italian and German.
Signature too

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Bumps With Crest Around Them
Stop hateful Publiacqua of heavy tax for the adjustment of the security. Yes to the referendum for the public water
Stop hateful heavy tax of Publiacqua per l'adeguamento della cauzione.
Sì ai referendum per l'acqua pubblica
L'ultima Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3, che si è tenuta a Firenze lo scorso 17 dicembre, ci ha ripensato e ha respinto l'aumento del deposito cauzionale imposto da Publiacqua agli utenti titolari di vecchi contratti.
Un po' di storia per capire.
Lo scorso aprile l'Ato3 Medio Valdarno, di cui fa parte anche San Casciano V.P, aveva approvato all'unanimità la nuova carta dei servizi. Forzando l'interpretazione del nuovo regolamento, Publiacqua successivamente ha imposto l'aumento di cauzione a tutti gli utenti.
Adesso l'Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3 ha approvato un ordine del giorno in cui states that these changes should be valid only for new users and Publiacqua asked to return the amounts already withheld the public holders of old contracts.
This document has been approved by a majority, we ask, voted as the mayor of San Casciano, a staunch defender of the corporation that manages our water service?
Consider the decision by the ATO an important step.
This is a first result of the movement to water, the social and political forces that opposed the increase in security, which are generally committed to the ripubblicizzazione water service to a new and fair pricing model.
now invokes the Ato the decision by amending the rules of the service, and to act immediately because there are no refunds.
Publiacqua returned to the people of the sums withheld.
This story, logical consequence of private law with which the corporation operates Publiacqua water services, confirms the importance and necessity of affirming water as a common good, evading the logic of the market, return to public management and participatory local communities.
In recent days, the Constitutional Court has admitted the two referendum questions brought against the privatization of the water by the movements for water. A spring will return the word to the people. We confirm our full commitment to the victory of "yes" to the referendum which represent the instrument for the protection of an essential commodity like water, but also the way it is establishing itself a model of democratic public management of water and in general, all common goods .
Laboratory for another PRC Communist Party-San Casciano
Stop hateful heavy tax of Publiacqua per l'adeguamento della cauzione.
Sì ai referendum per l'acqua pubblica
L'ultima Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3, che si è tenuta a Firenze lo scorso 17 dicembre, ci ha ripensato e ha respinto l'aumento del deposito cauzionale imposto da Publiacqua agli utenti titolari di vecchi contratti.
Un po' di storia per capire.
Lo scorso aprile l'Ato3 Medio Valdarno, di cui fa parte anche San Casciano V.P, aveva approvato all'unanimità la nuova carta dei servizi. Forzando l'interpretazione del nuovo regolamento, Publiacqua successivamente ha imposto l'aumento di cauzione a tutti gli utenti.
Adesso l'Assemblea dei Sindaci dell'Ato3 ha approvato un ordine del giorno in cui states that these changes should be valid only for new users and Publiacqua asked to return the amounts already withheld the public holders of old contracts.
This document has been approved by a majority, we ask, voted as the mayor of San Casciano, a staunch defender of the corporation that manages our water service?
Consider the decision by the ATO an important step.
This is a first result of the movement to water, the social and political forces that opposed the increase in security, which are generally committed to the ripubblicizzazione water service to a new and fair pricing model.
now invokes the Ato the decision by amending the rules of the service, and to act immediately because there are no refunds.
Publiacqua returned to the people of the sums withheld.
This story, logical consequence of private law with which the corporation operates Publiacqua water services, confirms the importance and necessity of affirming water as a common good, evading the logic of the market, return to public management and participatory local communities.
In recent days, the Constitutional Court has admitted the two referendum questions brought against the privatization of the water by the movements for water. A spring will return the word to the people. We confirm our full commitment to the victory of "yes" to the referendum which represent the instrument for the protection of an essential commodity like water, but also the way it is establishing itself a model of democratic public management of water and in general, all common goods .
Laboratory for another PRC Communist Party-San Casciano
Friday, January 14, 2011
Coolscan 5000 Fo Novices
Proposals for a good policy on Roma: open letter to the Regional Allocca
Community of Piagge, Michelucci Foundation, Physicians for Human Rights, anti-racist network Florence Allocca Alderman have written this letter - today engaged in a meeting on 'settlement Quaracchi - calling for the Region of Tuscany in an organic way to deal with the "Roma issue". We publish in full.
Quaracchi of Roma: the human it is good policy, prompt and efficient
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Can I Buy Colloidal Silver At Pure Foods?
See It referendum against the privatization of water
On the Look, now the floor to citizens
The Constitutional Court has admitted two referendum questions proposed by the movements for water. In the spring, men and women of this country will decide on an essential commodity. The victory of "yes" would change direction on the management of water services and more generally on all property in common.
await the reasons for the failure to consult on the admission of the third question, but it is already clear that this decision does not alter the battle for ripubblicizzazione water that remains intact and strong political referenda.
The Organizing Committee today more than ever calls for an immediate moratorium on the measure of maturity of the Ronchi Decree, and on the revocation of AATO, a necessary act of democracy because to decide on the water are really the Italians.
The Organizing Committee will activate all contacts institutions needed to ask that the date of the referendum vote the same as that of the local elections next spring.
Now begins the final stage, we are confident that the best energies of this country will pull you back.
Rome, January 12, 2011
On the Look, now the floor to citizens
The Constitutional Court has admitted two referendum questions proposed by the movements for water. In the spring, men and women of this country will decide on an essential commodity. The victory of "yes" would change direction on the management of water services and more generally on all property in common.
await the reasons for the failure to consult on the admission of the third question, but it is already clear that this decision does not alter the battle for ripubblicizzazione water that remains intact and strong political referenda.
The Organizing Committee today more than ever calls for an immediate moratorium on the measure of maturity of the Ronchi Decree, and on the revocation of AATO, a necessary act of democracy because to decide on the water are really the Italians.
The Organizing Committee will activate all contacts institutions needed to ask that the date of the referendum vote the same as that of the local elections next spring.
Now begins the final stage, we are confident that the best energies of this country will pull you back.
Rome, January 12, 2011
Important Lab Values For Cellulitis
Letter Patrizia Gentilini, oncology, food pollution by dioxins
Letter Patrizia Gentilini, oncologist.
President of the Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì
Dr. Patrizia Gentilini
FORLI - "With the recent scandal of chickens and eggs back to the German dioxin problem food security (... mozzarella bells, Puglia sheep, pigs Irish) but is likely to pass as a news story among many. The term refers to the dioxin TCDD, known as "Seveso dioxin" after the incident of 1976 hazardous infinitesimal doses (billionths of a milligram), has been called the most dangerous substances known, similar to this molecule there are hundreds to when we speak broadly of "dioxins". Molecules are persistent in the environment, whose employment is for 90% via food: fish, milk, meat, eggs and cheese. Dioxins are passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy and lactation. From Studies show that in Italy, an infant of 5 kg assume dioxins from tens to hundreds of times higher than the EU limit. Dioxins under the category of endocrine disruptors. Exposure to dioxins is related to the development of tumors (*). Since this is so dangerous substances has been drawn up in 2004 a Stockholm Convention by 120 countries, including Italy, to ban the intentional production and impose a reduction of the unwanted. Too bad that our country has been the only one not to have ratified! Dioxins are formed under certain temperature conditions in the presence of chlorine. Every combustion process, especially plastics, leading to their formation, and there are in the smoke and ash from incinerators. The eggs are traced back to the dioxin contaminated feed from the administration of industrial oils and other pollutants to the animals, but this obscures the fact that in 2005, in the same region (Lower Saxony), had shown a contamination well beyond the limits of the 28% of chickens raised outdoors - so chickens "free range", which we consider safe because raised in a "natural". Lower Saxony is characterized by steel mills and incinerators. Speaking of feed and of the impact of dioxins does not focus on the consequences of a "development" industrial insane. Have destroyed the civilization, poisoned il territorio con pesticidi e permesso impianti assurdi ed inquinanti come gli inceneritori arreca incalcolabili danni all’ambiente e alla salute e mina la possibilità stessa di sopravvivenza delle generazioni future.
I dati relativi all’agricoltura europea mostrano come l’Italia è destinata al fallimento anche dal punto di vista agricolo che dovrebbe rappresentare l’eccellenza nel nostro Paese. L’ andamento dei redditi agrari del 2010 sul 2009 è: EU +12.3, Danimarca +54.8, Olanda +32, Francia +31, Germania +23, Spagna +7, Italia -3.3 (con calo della superficie agricola di 19.200 kmq negli ultimi 10 anni). Dobbiamo riconoscere il fallimento del modello di sviluppo attuale che non si cura delle conseguenze of their choices and come to contaminate the supply bases polluting even more precious than the food in the world: the mother's milk! "
Patrizia Gentilini - President of Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì
Letter Patrizia Gentilini, oncologist.
President of the Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì
Dr. Patrizia Gentilini
FORLI - "With the recent scandal of chickens and eggs back to the German dioxin problem food security (... mozzarella bells, Puglia sheep, pigs Irish) but is likely to pass as a news story among many. The term refers to the dioxin TCDD, known as "Seveso dioxin" after the incident of 1976 hazardous infinitesimal doses (billionths of a milligram), has been called the most dangerous substances known, similar to this molecule there are hundreds to when we speak broadly of "dioxins". Molecules are persistent in the environment, whose employment is for 90% via food: fish, milk, meat, eggs and cheese. Dioxins are passed from mother to fetus during pregnancy and lactation. From Studies show that in Italy, an infant of 5 kg assume dioxins from tens to hundreds of times higher than the EU limit. Dioxins under the category of endocrine disruptors. Exposure to dioxins is related to the development of tumors (*). Since this is so dangerous substances has been drawn up in 2004 a Stockholm Convention by 120 countries, including Italy, to ban the intentional production and impose a reduction of the unwanted. Too bad that our country has been the only one not to have ratified! Dioxins are formed under certain temperature conditions in the presence of chlorine. Every combustion process, especially plastics, leading to their formation, and there are in the smoke and ash from incinerators. The eggs are traced back to the dioxin contaminated feed from the administration of industrial oils and other pollutants to the animals, but this obscures the fact that in 2005, in the same region (Lower Saxony), had shown a contamination well beyond the limits of the 28% of chickens raised outdoors - so chickens "free range", which we consider safe because raised in a "natural". Lower Saxony is characterized by steel mills and incinerators. Speaking of feed and of the impact of dioxins does not focus on the consequences of a "development" industrial insane. Have destroyed the civilization, poisoned il territorio con pesticidi e permesso impianti assurdi ed inquinanti come gli inceneritori arreca incalcolabili danni all’ambiente e alla salute e mina la possibilità stessa di sopravvivenza delle generazioni future.
I dati relativi all’agricoltura europea mostrano come l’Italia è destinata al fallimento anche dal punto di vista agricolo che dovrebbe rappresentare l’eccellenza nel nostro Paese. L’ andamento dei redditi agrari del 2010 sul 2009 è: EU +12.3, Danimarca +54.8, Olanda +32, Francia +31, Germania +23, Spagna +7, Italia -3.3 (con calo della superficie agricola di 19.200 kmq negli ultimi 10 anni). Dobbiamo riconoscere il fallimento del modello di sviluppo attuale che non si cura delle conseguenze of their choices and come to contaminate the supply bases polluting even more precious than the food in the world: the mother's milk! "
Patrizia Gentilini - President of Association of Doctors for the Environment ISDE Forlì
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"Farewell to plastic
By January 1, 2011 came into force on the prohibition of marketing plastic bags and given to the possibility of business existing stocks free of charge to the customer. The Ministry of Economic Development ha emesso una recente nota specificando che i sacchetti biodegradabili permessi sono esclusivamente quelli che rispondono ai requisiti di biodegradabilità e compostabilità definiti dalla norma tecnica armonizzata UNI EN 13432.
Non essendo però stati pubblicati decreti attuativi o circolari informative resta ancora da capire quali tipologie di sacchi da asporto (con o senza manici) sono vietati, quali comparti del commercio verranno interessati dal provvedimento e le modalità di applicazione di meccanismi sanzionatori.
In attesa di ulteriori sviluppi restano quanto mai validi gli obiettivi e la battaglia che la campagna Porta la Sporta , con il supporto del suo sito conduce da oltre 18 months with extensive communication activities to all Italian local authorities: municipalities, provinces, regions, but also against the supermarket groups, trade associations and individual citizens.
It is no coincidence that the term "sport" is now used also in the Italian regions where it was previously unknown.
The primary objective of the campaign takes the sport is to progressively eliminate the solutions 'disposable' when you have available for the same use of the solutions at the lowest environmental impact. The disposable product that is more impactful with the plastic, a material and as everyone knows is not biodegradable and has a man than life 'eternal'.
The bag, which is certainly not the number one enemy to the environment, but represents the ' emblem of our consumerism longer present and the object of our daily life that accompanies all our purchases. At the same time is the object of which we can more easily unless a number of dotandoci reusable bags. The campaign brings the sport starting from the story on the plastic bag wants to discuss the abuse in the use of plastic disposable and the absurdity of going to waste energy and precious resources convenience to meet momentary and jeopardize the future of generations to come.
Consumerism has managed to make us as normal and unavoidable need for the presence in our daily lives of hundreds of items used for a few minutes, but even a few days or weeks, which, when released, remain in the environment for hundreds of years or landfill: releasing potentially toxic chemicals to human or animal health and, when burned, producing toxins and nano powders.
Not to mention the seas and oceans reduced to landfill where large areas are named by marine researchers plastic minestrone soup more or less dense objects or plastic chips of various sizes that break down slowly until you get to the size of plankton. In vast areas of the ocean, plastic particles than plankton as the amount of at least six times and in more polluted areas to get to 30-40 times, as documented by the Marine Research Foundation Algalia of Charles Moore.
Plastics with its toxic components 'original', in addition to other chemicals dispersed in the water that the plastic absorbs and concentrates in itself, has already entered our food chain and our bodies with a number of obvious consequences health.
We wasted and the cicadas made for almost 50 years buying more than necessary, lured by the sirens of marketing in the service of that economy which was to grow by selling more goods: Now we can not expect there to be made to pay.
During 2010 we got to run out, already in August, the resources that the earth can produce in one year. Therefore we can not ignore the fact that climate change, biodiversity loss and the lack of food and water are clear signs that we can no longer continue to consume 'a credit' with no consequences. He denounced the Global Footprint Network that promotes environmental sustainability through the calculation of 'ecological footprint , an accounting tool that measures the natural resources available and how much we use. The battle to
plastic bag, active in different parts of the world, he is going, (especially in California), to ban the plastic bag and a parallel most popular of the alternative tax in the U.S., paper bag .
This seems to be possible to circumvent any legal remedies that have been instituted by the plastics industry against several California cities that have issued a ban. The complaints were mostly fact-based challenge that the paper bag, (option enabled) was the most environmentally friendly alternative. Penalizing economically disposable in California is proving not to encourage a shift to a more pure material ' disposable ' but to point to a solution reusable hundreds or thousands of times, the solution that the environmental impact studies or LCA identified as the most environmentally suitable.
Despite ban on plastic bags proves a necessary step in most states, including Italy (where the example of Ireland which has reduced consumption by 90% with a tax on bags did not followers) must be accompanied by a series of measures Support going to promote re-usable solutions than using disposables.
Among the possible actions is awareness and education of citizens to make them aware, through the ' information, on what are the environmental consequences of those actions every day.
apparently trivial, and unconsciously guided by consumerism, multiplied by billions of individuals, are responsible for global damage such as pollution from plastic. At the same time you must give citizens who want to reduce their carbon footprint these suggestions and the consumer awareness of alternative solutions that are easy to adopt and close at hand.
on this front has moved and distinct campaign Bring Sporta involving local authorities, associations, schools, supermarket groups, etc.., In a number of initiatives aimed at reducing consumption in the bag.
But times of education and knowledge are necessarily long, since there is no time to lose to be assessed at the same time the measures which, by leveraging the portfolio, reaching even the less receptive.
Predictably, as well as hoped, is the fact that consumers switch gradually use of reusable bags in supermarkets after realizing that biodegradable bags costs at least twice and is more fragile than plastic. Less automatic, the other hand, the move will prove to be in those places where large numbers of bags are marketed: in shops and local markets.
Many operators in the absence of joint initiatives and shared will be limited to include in operating costs, and hence in prices, higher costs that involves the supply of biodegradable bags. Survive such a prohibition, in the imagination of consumers, the illusion of free bag: just the misunderstanding that has fueled growth in the decades of excessive consumption of plastic bags.
Gate called the Sport seats local trade associations to join the campaign by inviting their members to visit the site of the initiative, to build on the suggestions and advice available to download materials (such as flyers and posters) in order to pursue a range of transparency and correctness: informing customers about the impact of disposable, promoting the use of sport and finding effective means of reducing the use of bag including charged to the customer.
In this approach, than applying a pure ban, expected to involve the business and the active participation of citizens urged to embrace new habits, they believed the government of Venice and Florence have adopted our campaign.
To get rid of the environmental and economic weight of the packaging is not that the way to its elimination wherever possible, the three Rs are at least four because even before Reduce, reuse, recycle is REFUSES . The
December 25 entered into force on the Decree No. 205/2010 transposing the European legislation last waste management as a priority that indicates the prevention of rejection that is not his production. If the Italians can not help but use disposable bags, which are waste and waste to avoid, for superficial reasons ranging from laziness, addiction to comfort, lack of organization, as you may think that they may be ready for other actions necessary to reduce the environmental impact of the current styles of life and help reduce CO2 emissions so important?
During the month of January 2011 will launch the second edition of the National Week brings the sport promoted by the Association of Municipalities Virtuosi, WWF, Our Italy, Italian Touring Club and with the support of Agenda 21, and Waste 21 network.
The event, at its second edition, will involve a broad front of stakeholders made up of local authorities, companies, groups of large retailers, consumer associations and trade shops, and individual citizens and will reiterate the importance of taking along a sustainable path that eliminates the waste of resources and energy in daily practice.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
How To Prevent Trench Foot
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Chiediamo una moratoria che blocchi subito il decreto Ronchi affinchè siano i cittadini con il referendum a decidere sulla sorte del servizio idrico integrato. Leggi
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Chiediamo una moratoria che blocchi subito il decreto Ronchi affinchè siano i cittadini con il referendum a decidere sulla sorte del servizio idrico integrato. Leggi
l'appello per la moratoria
Monday, January 10, 2011
Vespa Gran Turismo Price Trend
Depositati emendamenti al testo per limitare la diffusione delle slot machines in negozi e centri commerciali
Regolamento Sale giochi, De Zordo e Alberici:"Bene che sia accolta la nostra proposta di aumento di distanza ma non basta"
Ben 104 slot già aperte alle Piagge. Il regolamento prende spunto dalla mozione Puc al Quartiere 5
Prende le mosse dal Quartiere 5 e dalla mozione approved by this Council on the proposal of Councillor perUnaltracittà Adriana Alberici, the process that concludes today in the City Council to approve the new Municipal Regulations on the opening of the amusement arcades. "Ben is a set of rules in a more narrow the field - said Ornella De Zordo - especially as has been increased from 200 to 500 meters at least the minimum distance from schools and other gathering places to grant a license to install devices with cash prizes, "" It 's an answer to the needs of citizens in and around Via Stuparich who were mobilized and protested against the opening of a playroom in the local ex-Stefan - Alberici continued. " "However - declare two Councillors - we could do more and that is why we will present the amendments."
"The regulations in fact, gives the possibility of installing video games with cash prizes also in commercial establishments other than bars or other establishments of administration, and also in shopping malls and retail stores," continued the adviser added: 'The aggravating factor is that, instead of establishing the maximum number of these games all'intermo of these activities, the Regulations to be approved is limited to establishing a principle of proportion in relation to the area, according to a decree born in 2003 for bars and similar activities. "" But we feel it - goes De Zordo - the Municipality of Florence has the opportunity to establish more restrictive criteria, especially for shopping centers, to prevent the spread of dangerous number of video games of this type, especially in districts that include large pockets of urban and social marginality, as the District 5. "
"To conduct a mapping, for instance, Cantieri Supportive Community of Piagge has always been attentive to the issues of discomfort in youth and school drop-out - said Alberici - shows that in large areas of District 5, starting from Via Baracca and down towards S. Donnino almost all companies have set up the slot and in many cases even more than had been approved. "" In total - according to Alberici - were as many as 104 slot machines issuing cash prizes: a considerable number of worrisome, and if you think to alternative educational and training institutions that offer in the area. "
Depositati emendamenti al testo per limitare la diffusione delle slot machines in negozi e centri commerciali
Regolamento Sale giochi, De Zordo e Alberici:"Bene che sia accolta la nostra proposta di aumento di distanza ma non basta"
Ben 104 slot già aperte alle Piagge. Il regolamento prende spunto dalla mozione Puc al Quartiere 5
Prende le mosse dal Quartiere 5 e dalla mozione approved by this Council on the proposal of Councillor perUnaltracittà Adriana Alberici, the process that concludes today in the City Council to approve the new Municipal Regulations on the opening of the amusement arcades. "Ben is a set of rules in a more narrow the field - said Ornella De Zordo - especially as has been increased from 200 to 500 meters at least the minimum distance from schools and other gathering places to grant a license to install devices with cash prizes, "" It 's an answer to the needs of citizens in and around Via Stuparich who were mobilized and protested against the opening of a playroom in the local ex-Stefan - Alberici continued. " "However - declare two Councillors - we could do more and that is why we will present the amendments."
"The regulations in fact, gives the possibility of installing video games with cash prizes also in commercial establishments other than bars or other establishments of administration, and also in shopping malls and retail stores," continued the adviser added: 'The aggravating factor is that, instead of establishing the maximum number of these games all'intermo of these activities, the Regulations to be approved is limited to establishing a principle of proportion in relation to the area, according to a decree born in 2003 for bars and similar activities. "" But we feel it - goes De Zordo - the Municipality of Florence has the opportunity to establish more restrictive criteria, especially for shopping centers, to prevent the spread of dangerous number of video games of this type, especially in districts that include large pockets of urban and social marginality, as the District 5. "
"To conduct a mapping, for instance, Cantieri Supportive Community of Piagge has always been attentive to the issues of discomfort in youth and school drop-out - said Alberici - shows that in large areas of District 5, starting from Via Baracca and down towards S. Donnino almost all companies have set up the slot and in many cases even more than had been approved. "" In total - according to Alberici - were as many as 104 slot machines issuing cash prizes: a considerable number of worrisome, and if you think to alternative educational and training institutions that offer in the area. "
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