Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Why Does Jibjab Always Freezes My Computer


News taken directly from the site of Harmony

have already been made known exits in April 2011 for the series Blue Nocturne:

With this release concludes the series Blood Ties of Jennifer Armintrout ...

T ITLE: "Vampire Heart "
ORIGINAL TITLE: ( All Souls' Night )
SERIES: Nocturne Blue
April 29, 2011 SYNOPSIS: A new
threat hanging over Nathan and Carrie: Someone sta uccidendo gli ex membri dell'ormai estinto Movimento. E dal momento che gli omicidi avvengono di giorno, a commetterli devono per forza essere degli umani. O dei licantropi. La situazione precipita quando i due giovani scoprono che il Divoratore d'Anime sta creando un esercito di schiavi. Ancora una volta, il destino dell'umanità è nelle sue mani, ma questa volta Carrie può contare sui suoi nuovi, pressoché illimitati poteri.

... e viene  innaugurata una nuova serie.
L'autrice è già conosciuta, infatti quest'estate la Harmony, sempre nella collana "Blue Nocturne",  ha pubblicato la sua serie più famosa, " Study." I'm talking about Maria V. Snyder .
This is the link of the post that I have dedicated, full story and review (my) Series Study:

The new trilogy is an "off SPINN " series and is entitled Study "Opal Cowan, character already appeared in previous series, but of which the undersigned does not have memory at all (I know that even under torture I remember this character). I would take a good review.

T ITLE: "Glass Magic. Woman in the Dunes"
ORIGINAL TITLE: ( Storm Glass )
SERIES: Nocturne Blue
RELEASE: April 29, 2011

After facing the test of fire to rescue Yelena and all Sitia, Opal Cowan for the time has come to test his mettle. Someone has sabotaged the glass globes of Danzatempesta, spreading death and destruction, and she, with her unique talent is the only one to help them. At his side in this mission are the desperate Kade dark and cheerful, sunny Ulrick. The two seem to contend for the heart of Opal, but the very one that seems closest to conquer it reveals itself in league with a mysterious and cruel character who returns from the most tragic history of Opal.

As usual, I remind you that these succulent two books I find on the newsstands from April 29 (currently the site of damage, such as Harmony release date on newsstands April 15, but I'm pretty sure this is a mistake), while on site you can already buy from 15 April . Good

waiting at all.



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