Monday, March 14, 2011

Greek Yogurt Healthiest Brand


"The valley of silence" of Nora Robert :

The decisive battle between Good and Evil is about to begin. The six of Morrigan crossed the portal of time to get back in the ancient kingdom of Geall, where he will face Lilith and her army of undead. But first they must teach the people to fight alongside them. It will, however, the fiery passion that blazes between Moira and Cian to put everything at risk. Although he knows that their story will never have the classic happy ending, and could even be tragic for both developments ...

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think :

"... dreamed of a great war between gods and demons.
A war that had lasted more than a century
and had paid so much blood on both sides
to fill an ocean ...
... And the ocean had become a valley
and the valley was now Silence "

Cian and Moira; from "The Dance of the Gods" , Chapter 17, pg.258.
"Stop me." He gave her a shove, then made her drop the sword.
Moira slapped him hard in the face. Cian, then grabbed her by the shoulders, pushed her against the wall.
She felt that something could be afraid, maybe ... while he stared straight into my eyes as transfigured.
"By God, stop me!" repeats.
When his mouth pressed them strongly on the lips, he tried a myriad of feelings. Too many. [...] And all he had in races around those emotions so reckless and foolish.
A moment later he drew back, stopping just a step away. [...]
"That's not how he would have you tasted" - Cian and murmured, before an error in itself worsen the already huge , left her trembling against the wall.
Reading this piece in the second book, nothing could prepare the mixed emotions that I raised The Valley of Silence ...

The protagonists of this latest installment of the series are the vampire Cian and scholar, and Queen of Geal, Moira .
For this last I felt a sort of love / hate continues ...
ranging from sympathy to antipathy in just a few sentences.
At times it looked like a spoiled child who was hiding behind a facade of santarellina and end up with sickly sweet and wheedling words all bowed to his will without realizing it, even saying "But when good is our queen ... there is none like you! "
At times of the conduct of a true teenager:
Moira : " Cian kissed me again, ihihihihihih! "
Blair : "Ohhhhhhh! But do not tell me! Again! Noooooooooooo!
Moira : "I had sex with Cian, ihihihihihih!"
Blair : "Ohhhhhhh! Davveeeeerooo! And as it was. Dai said the "
Typical teenagers do not talk to granny.
So now that does not risk more than the snack cobwebs in that place there, shouting from the rooftops that he has just done, it tells everyone he meets: Larkin, her friends, her aunt, but in fact you can not have any privacy now:
"Hear, hear people I lost my virginity to Geal. Hear, hear! Ei
you Lilith, you know that I lost my virginity. It was really nice to you ... if you want to tell you every detail.
Hear, hear! "
Moira gave his best only when he was drunk and I became almost funny ... almost .

L’unico motivo per cui non ho abbandonato il libro è stato Cian.
Mi è piaciuto sin dall’inizio ed è stato uno dei pochi a rendere interessante la storia.
Lui e quei pochi capitoli dedicati alla regina dei vampiri, Lilith, mi hanno salvato dal tedio più totale.
E diciamoci la verità, c’è un altro motivo per cui non ho abbandonato il libro: la mia curiosità di lettrice incallita che mi ha portato a tenere duro e arrivare alla fine della storia; il mio essere lettrice incallita, che se avessi abbandonato il libro a metà era come aver lasciato qualcosa in sospeso…
ogni libro merita una possibilità se ha suscitato la vostra curiosità, sia nella buona che nella cattiva sorte .
E il mio sforzo è stato ricompensato: il libro prende ritmo e corpo negli ultimi capitoli ed è riuscito ad emozionarmi come ogni altro buon libro letto fin’ora. 

In conclusione devo dire, ahimè, che non comprerò più un libro della Robert.
La vedo come una scrittrice scostante, non coerente con quello che scrive; sembrava quasi che l’intera trilogia fosse stata scritta da più persone e passavi da parti veramente adolescenziali a parti veramente hot, macabre, truculente, da incubo, ecc… 

Se qualcuno la pensa come me, se leggendo magari the first two books has been my impression, I would say to leave him alone ...
... but if anyone is even minimally curious as I am I would say that the last chapters of the story deserve more than the entire trilogy.


I read on ... March 12, 2011


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