was more than a week that I waited, but the courier finally arrived today with my three beautiful little books:

TITLE: Intrigue at Highbury, or: the ambiguities of love Emma
AUTHOR: Carrie Bebris
ORIGINAL TITLE: The Intrigue at Highbury. or Emma's Match
AUTHOR: Carrie Bebris
ORIGINAL TITLE: The Intrigue at Highbury. or Emma's Match
along a dark road near the village of Highbury, the carriage on which Mr. and Mrs. Darcy travel is stopped by a young lady wound. And a gentleman he is, Darcy stops to help her, not suspecting that the woods are haunted by gypsies and quell'imprudenza put them in serious danger. Meanwhile, at Highbury, during a lavish party hosted by the minister of the parish, Mr. Knightley, and his wife Emma, \u200b\u200bin honor of a pair of newlyweds, Edgar Churchill, uncle of the bridegroom, he feels bad, and shortly after dies, killed by a poison. Two events appear to be independent of one the other, however, suspect. Especially since another unexplained death had recently struck the Churchill family. So when it becomes clear that the assault of the Gypsies and the death of Mr. Churchill are related, and other threats are concentrated on the people of the village, Darcy and Mr. Knightley decided to join forces and investigate the two crimes. But time is running out, because the murderess is about to strike again ...
TITLE: Princess storms
AUTHOR: Nicole Peeler
ORIGINAL TITLE: Tempest Rising
EDITOR: Newton Compton
ORIGINAL TITLE: Tempest Rising
EDITOR: Newton Compton
True Jane is 26 years old and lives in Rockabill, Maine. He always loved the water since childhood, and often, after working in the library, plunges into the ocean and swim in the dark. Until one night, in the icy ocean waves, he runs into a dead body. When she and her strange new friend Ryu, Rockabill mandate to settle the case, they begin to investigate, they are suddenly catapulted in a mysterious and unknown universe. It will be the beginning of a journey at the dawn of time, in a world where vampires and "Halflings" live with other supernatural creatures, sometimes beautiful and sometimes terrifying. Jane and Ryu will fall in love with each other, but she soon discovers the truth about his origin ... Someone wants to exterminate an entire world, and it is his job to save herself and what remains of its ancient lineage.
"In the world of urban fantasy has reached a new star. Nicole Peeler has created an exciting series, starring Jane True, the discovery of herself and grappling with a thrilling mystery ... A great debut. "
Romantic Times
TITLE: Hunt vampire
EDITOR: Newton Compton
EDITOR: Newton Compton
The incredible adventures of a modern Dracula. Why is not that easy being a vampire these days ...
Eric has some memory problems. Do not even remember what I ate yesterday, let alone if he did not know how many years ago, to become a vampire. It is pretty stressed out lately: the strip club business that operates with her friend Roger is not doing too well and his girlfriend Tabitha does nothing but ask him to turn into a vampire so they can be together forever. But when you finally decide to settle, that's his desire for her fades and grows towards the younger sister di Tabitha, Rachel. Come se non bastasse, Eric ha ucciso involontariamente un licantropo che lo ha attaccato e adesso un branco di lupi lo insegue per la città in cerca di vendetta. Tra scontri automobilistici, mannari impazziti, trasformazioni mirabolanti, perdite di memoria, sesso bollente e pallottole magiche, il nostro vampiro dovrà dire addio alle sue tranquille serate a base di sangue e pensare in fretta al modo per tirarsi fuori dai guai…
Eric has some memory problems. Do not even remember what I ate yesterday, let alone if he did not know how many years ago, to become a vampire. It is pretty stressed out lately: the strip club business that operates with her friend Roger is not doing too well and his girlfriend Tabitha does nothing but ask him to turn into a vampire so they can be together forever. But when you finally decide to settle, that's his desire for her fades and grows towards the younger sister di Tabitha, Rachel. Come se non bastasse, Eric ha ucciso involontariamente un licantropo che lo ha attaccato e adesso un branco di lupi lo insegue per la città in cerca di vendetta. Tra scontri automobilistici, mannari impazziti, trasformazioni mirabolanti, perdite di memoria, sesso bollente e pallottole magiche, il nostro vampiro dovrà dire addio alle sue tranquille serate a base di sangue e pensare in fretta al modo per tirarsi fuori dai guai…
«Una storia avvincente che mescola in maniera entusiasmante humour, azione e sesso.»
Library Journal
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