"Dark Lover" di Brenda Joyce :
Samantha Rose ha una missione da compiere: recuperare il Duisean, un antichissimo libro celtico che racchiude un enorme potere. E l'occasione di prendersi la rivincita sull'unico uomo che l'abbia respinta. Ma non ha fatto i conti con la travolgente attrazione che Ian Maclean esercita su di lei. Così, quando scopre il terribile segreto che lo tormenta, decide di combattere con il suo amore il Male che minaccia to overwhelm. Even if it means following him back in time and deal with him the worst nightmares.
*** Note:
following advances on plot (SPOILER) ***
I had to wait four books to read a story as it should: torture of more than 300 pg. folding. , multiplied by four ... you do the math!
So Dark Lover seems to have been written by someone else, it is as if Joyce had understood to have shot bullshit for four books just to come to his senses and be the last book ...
... Well! Better late than never.
... Well! Better late than never.
Characters This latest installment of the series are Sam / Samantha Rose and Ian Maclean, the son of Aidan of Awe, the boy who was kidnapped at the age of nine years from Moray and Aidan had believed dead for more than sixty ' years (this is narrated in Dark Warrior, a book dedicated to Brian Rose and Aidan).
The spark between the two was shot in his Dark Warrior, Dark Rose to continue in and have its epilogue in the final chapter of the series ... an entire novel dedicated to those two.
The spark between the two was shot in his Dark Warrior, Dark Rose to continue in and have its epilogue in the final chapter of the series ... an entire novel dedicated to those two.
Both hunters and not take, will clash on many fronts, including the passionate, trying to prevail over one another. Ian
But behind the facade of macho egotistical, still hides a terrified child from his past sixty years of torture, that has to deal with nightmares and flashbacks that haunt him driving her nightmarish past afloat.
Sam will be just the nearness of him heal from their wounds ... sure! all this due to the fact that he will make out one by one his captors, including Moray (eee you! Because the soul of the dear old granddad Moray is called Hell and entrusted to a man greedy for power ... ...
only to be trapped in a jar of peanut butter).
But behind the facade of macho egotistical, still hides a terrified child from his past sixty years of torture, that has to deal with nightmares and flashbacks that haunt him driving her nightmarish past afloat.
Sam will be just the nearness of him heal from their wounds ... sure! all this due to the fact that he will make out one by one his captors, including Moray (eee you! Because the soul of the dear old granddad Moray is called Hell and entrusted to a man greedy for power ... ...
only to be trapped in a jar of peanut butter).
Sure there are those shoot to Joyce such as when Ian is shocked by yet another nightmare after another torture or just touching it and she comes off like never before ... ...
NO Coment!
And then there's a small page dedicated to Tabitha who returns with his thoughts love than ever for his better half ... Now you can stand looking realizes that he never loved the sooner ... two hundred years have passed, cabbage!, no two and half days.
NO Coment!
And then there's a small page dedicated to Tabitha who returns with his thoughts love than ever for his better half ... Now you can stand looking realizes that he never loved the sooner ... two hundred years have passed, cabbage!, no two and half days.
Apart from this, Dark Lover I liked it, let's say I had it redone after the disappointment with the novel focuses on Aidan (if you want to understand what I mean just click the link below: http://lasciamileggere.blogspot.com/2010/ 08/dark-warrior.html )
But ... ...
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