Monday, March 14, 2011

Is It Ok To Lance A Hemorrhoid

Presidio del popolo dell'acqua all'assemblea dei sindaci dell'Ato3

FIRENZE  - MERCOLEDI' 16 MARZO 2011 ore 09,00
(Sede Provincia di Firenze - Sala Quattro Stagioni - Via Cavour N° 1 Firenze)

(deposito cauzionale)



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"The valley of silence" of Nora Robert :

The decisive battle between Good and Evil is about to begin. The six of Morrigan crossed the portal of time to get back in the ancient kingdom of Geall, where he will face Lilith and her army of undead. But first they must teach the people to fight alongside them. It will, however, the fiery passion that blazes between Moira and Cian to put everything at risk. Although he knows that their story will never have the classic happy ending, and could even be tragic for both developments ...

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think :

"... dreamed of a great war between gods and demons.
A war that had lasted more than a century
and had paid so much blood on both sides
to fill an ocean ...
... And the ocean had become a valley
and the valley was now Silence "

Cian and Moira; from "The Dance of the Gods" , Chapter 17, pg.258.
"Stop me." He gave her a shove, then made her drop the sword.
Moira slapped him hard in the face. Cian, then grabbed her by the shoulders, pushed her against the wall.
She felt that something could be afraid, maybe ... while he stared straight into my eyes as transfigured.
"By God, stop me!" repeats.
When his mouth pressed them strongly on the lips, he tried a myriad of feelings. Too many. [...] And all he had in races around those emotions so reckless and foolish.
A moment later he drew back, stopping just a step away. [...]
"That's not how he would have you tasted" - Cian and murmured, before an error in itself worsen the already huge , left her trembling against the wall.
Reading this piece in the second book, nothing could prepare the mixed emotions that I raised The Valley of Silence ...

The protagonists of this latest installment of the series are the vampire Cian and scholar, and Queen of Geal, Moira .
For this last I felt a sort of love / hate continues ...
ranging from sympathy to antipathy in just a few sentences.
At times it looked like a spoiled child who was hiding behind a facade of santarellina and end up with sickly sweet and wheedling words all bowed to his will without realizing it, even saying "But when good is our queen ... there is none like you! "
At times of the conduct of a true teenager:
Moira : " Cian kissed me again, ihihihihihih! "
Blair : "Ohhhhhhh! But do not tell me! Again! Noooooooooooo!
Moira : "I had sex with Cian, ihihihihihih!"
Blair : "Ohhhhhhh! Davveeeeerooo! And as it was. Dai said the "
Typical teenagers do not talk to granny.
So now that does not risk more than the snack cobwebs in that place there, shouting from the rooftops that he has just done, it tells everyone he meets: Larkin, her friends, her aunt, but in fact you can not have any privacy now:
"Hear, hear people I lost my virginity to Geal. Hear, hear! Ei
you Lilith, you know that I lost my virginity. It was really nice to you ... if you want to tell you every detail.
Hear, hear! "
Moira gave his best only when he was drunk and I became almost funny ... almost .

L’unico motivo per cui non ho abbandonato il libro è stato Cian.
Mi è piaciuto sin dall’inizio ed è stato uno dei pochi a rendere interessante la storia.
Lui e quei pochi capitoli dedicati alla regina dei vampiri, Lilith, mi hanno salvato dal tedio più totale.
E diciamoci la verità, c’è un altro motivo per cui non ho abbandonato il libro: la mia curiosità di lettrice incallita che mi ha portato a tenere duro e arrivare alla fine della storia; il mio essere lettrice incallita, che se avessi abbandonato il libro a metà era come aver lasciato qualcosa in sospeso…
ogni libro merita una possibilità se ha suscitato la vostra curiosità, sia nella buona che nella cattiva sorte .
E il mio sforzo è stato ricompensato: il libro prende ritmo e corpo negli ultimi capitoli ed è riuscito ad emozionarmi come ogni altro buon libro letto fin’ora. 

In conclusione devo dire, ahimè, che non comprerò più un libro della Robert.
La vedo come una scrittrice scostante, non coerente con quello che scrive; sembrava quasi che l’intera trilogia fosse stata scritta da più persone e passavi da parti veramente adolescenziali a parti veramente hot, macabre, truculente, da incubo, ecc… 

Se qualcuno la pensa come me, se leggendo magari the first two books has been my impression, I would say to leave him alone ...
... but if anyone is even minimally curious as I am I would say that the last chapters of the story deserve more than the entire trilogy.


I read on ... March 12, 2011

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15 Marzo: riunione aperta del Forum Toscano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua a San Casciano

Mar. 15 Marzo 2011, ore 21.00
Forum Toscano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua
Medio-Valdarno (ATO3/Publiacqua SpA)

Forum Toscano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua Medio-Valdarno organizza una riunione aperta il prossimo martedi 15 Marzo 2011, ore 21.00
presso il "CENTRO LOTTI" in piazza Vottorio Veneto in Loc. Mercatale Val di Pesa (Comune San Casciano VP - FI)

Proposta odg:

Iniziare un percorso per realizzare anche nel Chianti Fiorentino un presidio organizzato del Forum Toscano dei Movimenti per l'Acqua Medio-Valdarno

Informazione su balzello bollette Publiacqua SpA (anticipo cauzionale)

Campagna Referendaria "2 SI PER L'ACQUA BENE COMUNE" e Manif. Naz a Roma di sabato 26 marzo 2011

Link diretto news:

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Nucleare: scacco matto a Fukushima

Mentre il Forum Nucleare spendeva 2 milioni di euro per presentare un'ingannevole campagna sul nucleare come una discussione da salotto tra una mossa di scacchi e l'altra; mentre il prof. Veronesi dichiarava che avrebbe dormito senza alcun problema con le scorie radioattive sotto il letto (non risulta al momento pervenuta l'opinione dei condomini); mentre Kikko Testa si sbracciava tra un dibattito e l'altro a spiegare le magnifiche sorti e progressive del nucleare (e del suo conto corrente da quando ha abbandonato l'ecologismo), la realtà, ancora una volta e con tutta la sua drammaticità, si premurava di spiegare cosa significa concretamente la scelta nucleare.

Il terremoto che ha stravolto il Giappone ha provocato un'esplosione dentro un reattore nucleare a Fukushima, causing a radioactive cloud, the evacuation of 140,000 people and the immediate admission of over one hundred people in the meantime, even the cooling system of two other reactors of the same nuclear complex demonstrated abnormalities not yet settled and herald further dramatic concerns.

the face of such scientific evidence that nuclear power plants are inherently insecure, so any civil forum should do the only sensible choice available.
's abandonment of a road efficiency obsolete, insecure, dangerous-diseconomies and shares the ideological campaign of nuclearists based on the now obsolete statements "that we could never happen "/" new plants would not lead to these problems "/" and in Japan, however, is not nothing serious happened "etc.. etc.

not happen of course a reversal of the government and the powers that be.

But what that can happen is the popular rebellion to those who do not hesitate to allocate 40 billion euro for a technology that puts the power, security and democracy in the hands of the usual suspects.

The people of the water has convened for 26 March in Rome for a national demonstration ripubblicizzazione water and the protection of common assets, rights and democracy.

will be the manifestation of those who struggle for life and against its delivery to profitti dei mercati finanziari.

Dovrà essere il luogo dentro il quale anche l'opposizione antinucleare dimostri la propria capacità di presenza diffusa e reticolare, la propria radicale alternativa verso un modello energetico pulito, territoriale e democratico, il proprio insopprimibile desiderio di futuro per il pianeta, le generazioni presenti e future.

Tutte e tutti assieme, allegri e determinati, attivi per non divenire radioattivi, pronti a sommergere con tre valanghe di SI ai referendum della prossima primavera i poteri forti della privatizzazione dell'acqua e del ritorno al nucleare.

Tutte e tutti in piazza, perché tra la Borsa e la vita, abbiamo scelto la vita e la speranza di futuro.

Marco Bersani

Attac Italy

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No all'election day, ricorriamo alla Consulta

Alberto Lucarelli, Ugo Mattei

The debate on the scandalous refusal to election day has had the effect of bringing out for a day on the main national media that the referendum will celebrated. Such was the silence that has accompanied so far our battle last week that even an experiment on a university class of 200 students in law told us that only ten of them knew that it would be voted on the water. The path towards the quorum is really difficult, even if the campaign is starting to take off. The Committee "means 2 to water the common good," for example, ha approntato un bellissimo «kit dell'attivista», scaricabile dal web e contenente materiali e informazioni essenziali per diffondere il nostro messaggio. Presto inoltre saranno disponibili bandiere referendarie da appendere ai balconi, una forma di diffusione del messaggio estremamente importante nel silenzio assordante dei media. Da questo punto di vista, ci sembra che perfino le un po' ambigue «invasioni di campo» di Di Pietro, che comunque gode di una visibilità mediatica che come movimento non abbiamo, abbiano comunque il pregio di far sapere che i referendum ci sono, cosa forse più utile, in questa fase, rispetto al rivendicarne la paternità.Occorre continuare a governare la campagna elettorale accogliendo i contributi di tutti in a journey that must be transformed into a march that involves people of all backgrounds and political beliefs. The debate sull'election day and the money squandered in order to break the quorum has shown us that the sovereign people is still capable of outrage. We can not be satisfied with having raised the issue politically. The challenge is to give jurisdiction to an instance of reasonableness that involves everyone and which can not bind the government. What to do? Perhaps once again that great national common good that is our fundamental law can show us the way. In fact, the waste can not be part of a political and administrative discretion. Those 300 million could be used to repair the shores of rivers, avoiding future disasters (with damage priceless). This shows that good governance has a potential multiplier of the value of public money that, like the 300 million coming from general tax revenues belong to all citizens and not the Minister pro tempore. L 'art. 97 of the Constitution establishes the principle of "good conduct and impartiality" of public administration. In this light, wasting 300 million is constitutionally permissible? Then to waste them for a drawing of a party, to make the referendum invalid, it is even more serious and shows the total bias of the administration. Eligibility against the government had in fact already existed before the Constitutional Court, exercising its own prerogatives. And we defeated. The Court said that the referendum is permissible, giving justice to us. The government can not now take revenge extra ordinem, squandering public money just to ensure that the sovereign people speak second Constitution. There is a gross violation of Article structure. 75, which contains a positive view of direct expression of popular sovereignty. In short, the politico-administrative discretion does not go directly to the arbitrary and contrary to the constitutional choices vigenti.Potremmo ask Napolitano to intervene, but too many times to pull the jacket on the Presidency of the Republic is not wise policy in a logic of constitutional responsibility. But we are not without remedies. The referendum committee is in fact a constitutional organ of the State throughout the duration of the referendum process. It can then pull up in front of the Constitutional Court a jurisdictional dispute between state powers. We are studying the issue. 300 million of public money are well worth the risk in this game, however, that would make it even clearer to all the irresponsibility of those who govern us. We are ready to go in front of the Consulta, but because it is written water law democracy.

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14 marzo: Verso i referendum per l'acqua bene comune

A joint initiative by the provincial committee for public water to promote the forthcoming referendum campaign.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Camp Hope (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

Ogni anno alla fine dell'estate, i giovani di una comunità cristiana di una cittadina del New Jersey partecipano al Camp Hope. Il campeggio si trova in un bosco isolato, lontano da ogni distrazione del mondo moderno. Lì, un prete carismatico insegna loro i dettami del Signore, e li mette in guardia dagli orrori e dalle tentazioni del Diavolo. Ma questa volta, a sua insaputa, il prete ha portato con sé qualcosa di malvagio. Quello che sembrava essere un posto sicuro, un ritiro spirituale, sta per trasformarsi in un incubo che nemmeno la Fede può fermare!

Streaming of parents nervous. His brother Laser, 15, suffers. Shortly before entering the University of Joni, Laser asks a favor to his sister, wants absolutely conscious of their biological father. And you being an adult can make a request ...

Download outlawed and was forced to literally interpret the role of the hero.

Streaming Download Re-reading them one by one, drop to hidden memories, forgotten situations, first loves, ambitions and games that are all its certainties shaken, and call into question his life. Because an adult has become the opposite of what he wanted as a child ...
Download Streaming in vita i morti e tiene lontana la peste con la stregoneria, e loro sono diretti li per riportare il villaggio a d**, ma non han fatto i conti con la strega Langiva...

Download Synopsis: For four Killcoulin bachelors of the village of Leap's life passes slowly, too slowly. The remote town on the Irish perspective, no: no work, very few women of marriageable age and (with the exception of a large geriatric group for which they play every Saturday night) the night life is practically nonexistent. They seem stuck to live the rest of their days under an infinite boredom. When one of his friends decided to go in search of better fortune, others believe it is time to act. If only they could scrape together the money, the escape route would be opened. In short hatch a plan to rob a shipment of Viagra and then sell it on the square in Amsterdam ...

Download dismissed by local News, his career began to seem so unfortunate as his hapless love life. By coincidence there is a new job to "Daybreak" (the evening's program with the lowest rating), Becky decided to revitalize the program bring back the old conductor Mike Pomeroy (Ford). Unfortunately, Pomeroy refuses to deal with classic themes of the morning as celebrity gossip, weather, fashion and crafts - and has no desire to work beside his co-host Colleen Peck (Keaton), an ex-miss, and now acknowledged as the very character mattuttini programs, which is more than willing to deal with that kind of "news." Download American students. But this year the old locals will have to deal not only with the booze and the chatter of holiday: in Lake Victoria is about to unleash terror. When an earthquake free from the bottom of the lake fish finding prehistoric carnivores, an unlikely band of travelers must join forces to avoid ending up torn from the jaws of sharp new "residents."


Saturday, March 12, 2011

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I've never done before, but it is an idea I read yesterday gained a point in history de "The Dance of the Gods": the scene takes place between Moira and Cian and anticipates that it will "The Valley of Silence" third and final book in the series " The Circle Trilogy "by Nora Robert .

I named this small excerpt "The straw that broke the camel's back" , because the tension between the two was palpable from the first book, "Morrigan's cross ", and is increased in this second book until you reach the epilogue, which you can read below ...
... or should I say the 'START .
"Stop me." He gave her a shove, then dropped the sword. Moira
slapped him hard in the face. Cian, then grabbed her by the shoulders, pushed her against the wall.
She felt that something could be fear, maybe ... while he stared straight into my eyes as transfigured.
"By God, stop me!" repeats.
When his mouth pressed them strongly on the lips, he tried a myriad of feelings. Too many. [...] And all he had in races around those emotions so reckless and foolish.
A moment later he drew back, stopping just a step away. [...]
"That's not how he would have you tasted" - Cian and murmured, before an error in itself worsen the already huge , left her trembling against the wall.

Cian and Moira; The Dance of the Gods, Chapter 17, pg.258.

suggesting you plot and the cover of the book:

"The Valley of Silence" of Nora Robert :

The decisive battle between Good and Evil is about to begin. The six of Morrigan crossed the portal of time to get back in the ancient kingdom of Geall, where he will face Lilith and her army of undead. But first they must teach the people to fight alongside them. It will, however, the fiery passion that blazes between Moira and Cian to put everything at risk. Although he knows that their story will never have the classic happy ending, and could even be tragic for both developments ...


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I Ragazzi Stanno Bene (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

Plot: The story begins with Dicky, a man who is the pride of 'whole town - in the past fought Sugar Ray Leonard - now in disgrace. Meanwhile, his brother Micky became in turn Apulia, his career is only just beginning and is managed by his mother Alice. Despite his impressive left hook, Micky continues to lose the ring. The last fight ends addressed by Micky almost killed him, and then is persuaded by his girlfriend, Charlene, to groped something extreme: split from his family, pursue his interests and training without the restless brother. Up to that, Mickey is not offered the opportunity of a lifetime: to fight for the title. But Mickey soon realizes that he will need his brother and his entire family in order to win.


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Il Rito (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

Synopsis: The high-ranking
Vivian Ashe entrusts his elegant little dog Chloe to his niece Rachel unreliable for a short period in which Vivian is away. However, when Rachel decided to take a trip to Mexico with her friends, Chloe lost in a moment of distraction. The little chihuahua seeking help from Delgado, a lonely German Shepherd, a former police dog to find his way home and simultaneously escape the merciless Dobermann who calls himself El Diablo. Meanwhile, Papi, a hyperactive chihuahua in love with Chloe, he runs to help the dog in Mexico.

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Download tells the story of Robert (Riccardo Scamarcio), ambitious young lawyer, next to the wedding with Sarah (Valeria Solarino), and his overwhelming encounter with Micol (Laura Chiatti), beautiful, provocative and mysterious. In "High School", Fabio (Carlo Verdone), a well-known television anchorman, faithful husband for 25 years, is overwhelmed by an unexpected and fateful encounter. In "Beyond", Adrian (Robert De Niro) is an American professor of art history for some years after the divorce from his wife chose to live in Rome. Reserved and lonely few people attended, including Augustus (Michele Placido), the caretaker of the building where he lives. The fulminant meeting with the daughter of the latter, Violet (Monica Bellucci), upset her quiet existence.


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Rango (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

William Burke (Simon Pegg) e William Hare (Andy Serkis) cercano di sbarcare il lunario nell’Edimburgo del 19esimo secolo. Dopo l’ennesima impresa commerciale fallita, ritornano alla pensione di Hare e scoprono che il loro inquilino è morto il giorno in cui doveva pagare l’affitto. Mentre la coppia decide di come liberarsi del corpo, si rendono conto che un cadavere può fruttare una bella somma. Edimburgo è il centro dell’universo della ricerca medica e i dottori della città cercano disperatamente cadaveri per le loro lezioni di anatomia. Tra questi gli spietati rivali, il progressista Dottor Knox (Tom Wilkinson) e il tradizionalista Dottor Monroe (Tim Curry). When KNOX receives a visit from Burke & Hare that bring you a fresh corpse, urges them to bring any "unfortunate" happens to pull their ...

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Ramona E Beezus (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

Plot: Cara (Julianne Moore) is a forensic psychiatrist who discovers that his patient, Adam ( Jonathan Rhys Meyers), is afflicted by problems of multiple personality. The disturbing fact is that all the personality of the man appear to have been victims of brutal murders. Supernatural phenomenon? Hallucinations? Cara will find out quickly, before his time runs out.

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Carissima Me (2011) Film Streaming Megavideo

Martin Harris is a famous American botanist and married to the beautiful blonde Liz. Landed at Berlin with First Lady, Dr. Harris via taxi the hotel Adlon, where he held a prestigious conference on biotechnology. Realizing very soon not have to carry his briefcase, Martin takes a second direct taxi to the airport to retrieve luggage. Unfortunately ended his race in the river and saved by the young woman driving the vehicle, the man was admitted unconscious. Only undocumented and awakens from a coma after four days, just remember to be Martin and Harris have a wife who is waiting for him at the hotel. Resigned despite the apparent state of confusion and contrary to the opinion of the doctor, Martin returns to where he started, discovering to his horror that his girlfriend does not know who he is, and that the stranger next to him, declare that even Dr. Martin Harris. Forcibly removed by security, Martin will have to liquidate the recovering impostor, memory and identity.
Streaming si rivelerà pero' un luogo da incubo, un terrificante e mortale labirinto degli orrori...
Download Having known too hard the wife of his employer, Jamie starts from the pharmaceutical and becomes scientific information for Pfizer. Posted in the northeastern U.S. to 'push' antidepressants, Prozac and doubling the beat competition, Mr. Randall flatters and seduces medical secretaries, manifesting itself within a short time, so much action and fascinating the number one seller. Day-dreaming to leave Ohio to fly with a promotion in Chicago, Jamie stumbles into Maggie, bohemian artist suffering from Parkinson's disease at the first stage. Greedy sex but refractory to the feelings and stable relationships Jamie and Maggie become passionate lovers. In love despite themselves and tried to resist resistere alla tentazione di amarsi.

Download obtuse that it considers 'too much' his own thirty-five. Discouraged and confused base and refuge in the apartment is exaggerated by Matty, a vain baseball pitcher with the vice of women and ego. Struck dall'estroversa complexity of Lisa, Matty decides to change his conduct and to make her one great love.


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"The Dance of the Gods" of Nora Robert :

To stop the hegemonic ambitions of the powerful vampire Lilith and her undead, 's Morrigan's army is preparing for the final battle in Ireland modern. It will take place in the ancient Kingdom of Geall, and a bulwark to have come from regions and times, the wizard Hoyt and his vampire brother Cian, the American witch Glenna, the princess Moira and her shape-shifting cousin Larkin, and demon hunter Blair. While romantic relationships intertwine and become inflamed, and come to their fate the six must cross the portal of time before evil has the upper hand on ... Well

** * Warning:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:

"May God bless the people Geall of
and all kind umano.
Noi siamo il futuro”.  
Il Cerchio
Rispetto alla Croce di Morrigan , la Danza degli dei ha acquistato punteggio, ma nonostante questo ancora la Robert non mi ha convinta.

È vero, non ci sono più gli atteggiamenti adolescenziali di Hoyt e Glenna; è vero, i due protagonisti di questo secondo capitolo, Blair e Larkin , sono più forti sia caratterialmente che nei loro ideali (cioè non cambiano parere e idea nell’arco di mezza pagina); ed è Admittedly, the story begins to take shape, begins to emerge that will be the battle and there are only setting scenes and bucolic atmosphere, which served as accompaniment to the story of Hoyt and Glenna:
taking the two hands and hopping around the house say "Trallallerullà, let's see who's quààà! Trallallerullà the vampire acchiapperààà there! Trallallerullà, give me a basin quààà! Trallallerullà, oh my God I gave a vampire bite quààà! Aaaaaaaaa! Run, run for làààà!!
is not saying just that, but my impression was just this ... ... luckily
The Dance of the did not give me this impression, even Blair and Larkin are the opposite of those two, but despite this the Robert, in my view, missing something fundamental, like to write for children of elementary school, while the content of his novels is an entirely different age group.

Going to the characters: Blair
: how to hide all his demons and as we all try to escape from the opportunities that can create difficulties, but when love is calling out there especially if it can escape LOVE ha la voce e le sembianze di Larkin…
Blair, mi è piaciuta… si è arrivati al solito epilogo scontato, ma questo è avvenuto all’ultima pagina e dopo aver calcolato tutti i pro e i contro… ha scelto di essere nuovamente felice e ha dato una seconda possibilità all’amore.
Ma aimè, la proposta è stata fatta con un anello ma così pacchiano e buzzurro , che se fossi Blair mi vergognerei a portalo:

”[…] ho una cosa per te e voglio dartela qui, davanti al nostro Cerchio. Uno dei simboli di Geall è il drago. È anche uno dei nostri simboli mio e tuo. Quindi vorrei che tu portassi questo in honor of our engagement. "
handed her a gold ring shaped like a dragon [...]

Wow! Very nice I must say ... really fantastic ...

Larkin: I liked it and I enjoyed it ... he knows what he wants, Blair, and will not stop fighting until it achieves its purpose ... very nice boy and a joke ready. His impudence
not prevent him from having a good heart and pity the unfortunate.

Finally, outlines the history between Cian and Moira, the protagonist of the last chapter of the series.
Cian : come in precedenza, anche questa volta mi è piaciuto;
Moira : è sempre la solita frignona, sempre pronta ad autocommiserarsi…
Però sembra che stia crescendo. Vediamo cosa accadrà nell’ultimo capitolo.

Sinceramente non so se consigliare la lettura di questo libro.
A voi la scelta…


L'ho letto il... 9 Marzo 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Black Death - Un Viaggio All'Inferno (2011)

The Grit is a wild Western story of revenge and courage. Set around 1870, in America at the border after the Civil War, is told by Mattie Ross, who at age 14 he began traveling to Fort Smith, Arkansas determined to get justice for the death of his father, killed in cool ...

Streaming la sua prima scelta.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Restoring Aluminum Trim


was more than a week that I waited, but the courier finally arrived today with my three beautiful little books:

TITLE: Intrigue at Highbury, or: the ambiguities of love Emma
AUTHOR: Carrie Bebris
ORIGINAL TITLE: The Intrigue at Highbury. or Emma's Match

along a dark road near the village of Highbury, the carriage on which Mr. and Mrs. Darcy travel is stopped by a young lady wound. And a gentleman he is, Darcy stops to help her, not suspecting that the woods are haunted by gypsies and quell'imprudenza put them in serious danger. Meanwhile, at Highbury, during a lavish party hosted by the minister of the parish, Mr. Knightley, and his wife Emma, \u200b\u200bin honor of a pair of newlyweds, Edgar Churchill, uncle of the bridegroom, he feels bad, and shortly after dies, killed by a poison. Two events appear to be independent of one the other, however, suspect. Especially since another unexplained death had recently struck the Churchill family. So when it becomes clear that the assault of the Gypsies and the death of Mr. Churchill are related, and other threats are concentrated on the people of the village, Darcy and Mr. Knightley decided to join forces and investigate the two crimes. But time is running out, because the murderess is about to strike again ...


TITLE: Princess storms
AUTHOR: Nicole Peeler
ORIGINAL TITLE: Tempest Rising
EDITOR: Newton Compton

True Jane is 26 years old and lives in Rockabill, Maine. He always loved the water since childhood, and often, after working in the library, plunges into the ocean and swim in the dark. Until one night, in the icy ocean waves, he runs into a dead body. When she and her strange new friend Ryu, Rockabill mandate to settle the case, they begin to investigate, they are suddenly catapulted in a mysterious and unknown universe. It will be the beginning of a journey at the dawn of time, in a world where vampires and "Halflings" live with other supernatural creatures, sometimes beautiful and sometimes terrifying. Jane and Ryu will fall in love with each other, but she soon discovers the truth about his origin ... Someone wants to exterminate an entire world, and it is his job to save herself and what remains of its ancient lineage.

"In the world of urban fantasy has reached a new star. Nicole Peeler has created an exciting series, starring Jane True, the discovery of herself and grappling with a thrilling mystery ... A great debut. "
Romantic Times

TITLE: Hunt vampire


EDITOR: Newton Compton

The incredible adventures of a modern Dracula. Why is not that easy being a vampire these days ...

Eric has some memory problems. Do not even remember what I ate yesterday, let alone if he did not know how many years ago, to become a vampire. It is pretty stressed out lately: the strip club business that operates with her friend Roger is not doing too well and his girlfriend Tabitha does nothing but ask him to turn into a vampire so they can be together forever. But when you finally decide to settle, that's his desire for her fades and grows towards the younger sister di Tabitha, Rachel. Come se non bastasse, Eric ha ucciso involontariamente un licantropo che lo ha attaccato e adesso un branco di lupi lo insegue per la città in cerca di vendetta. Tra scontri automobilistici, mannari impazziti, trasformazioni mirabolanti, perdite di memoria, sesso bollente e pallottole magiche, il nostro vampiro dovrà dire addio alle sue tranquille serate a base di sangue e pensare in fretta al modo per tirarsi fuori dai guai…

«Una storia avvincente che mescola in maniera entusiasmante humour, azione e sesso.»
Library Journal

E' ora di iniziare la lettura...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lavender Oil For Scars


On Occasion of the meeting on March 28 in Bologna between Melissa Marr and his fans, the smith who parteciparà to reward ' meeting with a copy of this last book in the saga Wicked Lovely published here in Italy: Radiant Shadow.

place Here are the links of interest:

Un augurio ai fortunati.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Green Green Episode 13

"Dark Lover" di Brenda Joyce :

Samantha Rose ha una missione da compiere: recuperare il Duisean, un antichissimo libro celtico che racchiude un enorme potere. E l'occasione di prendersi la rivincita sull'unico uomo che l'abbia respinta. Ma non ha fatto i conti con la travolgente attrazione che Ian Maclean esercita su di lei. Così, quando scopre il terribile segreto che lo tormenta, decide di combattere con il suo amore il Male che minaccia to overwhelm. Even if it means following him back in time and deal with him the worst nightmares.

*** Note:
following advances on plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:


I had to wait four books to read a story as it should: torture of more than 300 pg. folding. , multiplied by four ... you do the math!

So Dark Lover seems to have been written by someone else, it is as if Joyce had understood to have shot bullshit for four books just to come to his senses and be the last book ...
... Well! Better late than never.

Characters This latest installment of the series are Sam / Samantha Rose and Ian Maclean, the son of Aidan of Awe, the boy who was kidnapped at the age of nine years from Moray and Aidan had believed dead for more than sixty ' years (this is narrated in Dark Warrior, a book dedicated to Brian Rose and Aidan).
The spark between the two was shot in his Dark Warrior, Dark Rose to continue in and have its epilogue in the final chapter of the series ... an entire novel dedicated to those two.

Both hunters and not take, will clash on many fronts, including the passionate, trying to prevail over one another. Ian
But behind the facade of macho egotistical, still hides a terrified child from his past sixty years of torture, that has to deal with nightmares and flashbacks that haunt him driving her nightmarish past afloat.
Sam will be just the nearness of him heal from their wounds ... sure! all this due to the fact that he will make out one by one his captors, including Moray (eee you! Because the soul of the dear old granddad Moray is called Hell and entrusted to a man greedy for power ... ...
only to be trapped in a jar of peanut butter).

Sure there are those shoot to Joyce such as when Ian is shocked by yet another nightmare after another torture or just touching it and she comes off like never before ... ...
NO Coment!
And then there's a small page dedicated to Tabitha who returns with his thoughts love than ever for his better half ... Now you can stand looking realizes that he never loved the sooner ... two hundred years have passed, cabbage!, no two and half days.

Apart from this, Dark Lover I liked it, let's say I had it redone after the disappointment with the novel focuses on Aidan (if you want to understand what I mean just click the link below: 08/dark-warrior.html )

But ... ...

I read on ... March 6, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pins & Needles In Stomach


"Dark Rose" di Brenda Joyce :

Cupo e selvaggio, Black Macleod si rifiuta di accettare il proprio destino e da tempo immemorabile vive solo per la vendetta. Gli insulti dei suoi nemici, che lo tacciano di avere un cuore di pietra, lo fanno sorridere. Ma il fato è capriccioso, e quando Thabita Rose osa chiamarlo a sé dal futuro, il tenebroso Highlander scopre di non poter resistere al suo potere... e nemmeno a lei. 

*** Attenzione:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:
in my life I never regret having spent money needlessly for a book unless it happens occasionally ...
this "rarely" is almost always the case for the books of Joyce and Dark Rose is no exception.

With this fourth novel went unbelievably well , and not because it deals with themes such as travel over time, teachers with magical powers and women who devote their lives to fight the ghosts or demons ...
No! It has nothing to do with all this, moreover, is part of a fantasy.
I say "more than unlikely" because they are content to fail ...
is the gist of the story to fail ...
is the obvious way of how the events are narrated to the boss for nearly three hundred pages, as if history was written by children, not by a writer who is alleged to have years of experience. To give you an example ...

"Enough!" Tabby touched his mouth. "I I accept the fate. You can too. Although I will take one hundred years, will eventually convince you that the massacre was not your fault and you're not even responsible for this situation. "
His eyes softened and she knew that he had never loved so much.

sooo THAT?? But when he
never loved so much, if known by just one week?? When? The day before or the one before ... What
the second day which saw him loved him a little even if he said: Noooo nooooo! But we're crazy! I do not ever, ever fall in love with him! Nooo! (all this to read with the falsetto voice ... makes it more the idea) and then the next day a little more to get to SEVENTH day and realize that he had never loved so .
But I say we're kidding? But Brenda, but what kind of flash do you absurd. What were OVERDONE at the time of writing this dialogue or how many more like this??

To be avoided if you do not want to risk a graying instantaneous.
And since today I have a vein somewhat masochistic, I'll start the last book in the series (hopefully) so then I can book the hairdresser for a hair dye.

I read on ... March 5, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sharking & Ejaculating


"scratch on the skin" of Rachel Vincent :

Draw claws and defend ...
accused of having transformed the former boyfriend in a shape-shifting and killing him to cover his tracks, Faythe finds himself on trial. While waiting for the verdict, an enigmatic young girl suddenly appears, Kaicho, with which only she seems to be able to establish a relationship. But save that young defenseless stray from that hunts and herself from the power struggles of the Council of Alpha will prove to be anything but easy. And maybe this time even the love of Marc enough to protect it.

*** Note:
below advance the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:


That's right ... now I wait for the end-month appointment with Nocturne Blue with bated breath and when I see that it is not publishing the next book of Vincent rest of us bad, bad, malissimissimo .

This is what happened: for March and April at all, nisba… non si vede all’orizzonte nessun libro della serie e così non mi resta che aspettare Maggio e sperare per il meglio. 

Detto questo andiamo a noi:
nel Graffio sulla pelle è successo di tutto e di più.
Certo che Faythe è una calamita per i guai e non solo si mette sempre nei pasticci ma trascina con sé tutti quelli che le stanno accanto…
così dalla prima all’ultima pagina è un continuo crescendo di TRAGEDIE .
PRIMO : è accusata di aver contagiato l’ex fidanzato umano e poi di averlo ucciso intenzionalmente per coprire il suo crimine… rischia una condanna morte;
SECONDO : durante lo svolgersi degli eventi sarà accusata di insubordinazione trascinando con sé il medico, il cugino e Marc… per lei la punizione è sospesa perché ancora non si sa se verrà giustiziata o meno, il medico e il cugino se la caveranno con una sgridata, Marc è quello che subirà la sorte peggiore… costretto a lasciare il branco, e così Faythe, verrà mandato in esilio.
TERZO : suo padre rischia di perdere il comando del consiglio territoriale dei mutaforma (o quello che è), perché ritenuto incapace di mantenere il controllo e il comando con i suoi sottoposti. Indovinate chi mette sempre in discussione la leadership dell’ Alpha??? FAYTHE . 

Quindi se da un lato Faythe è riuscita a scongiurare la condanna a morte, dall’altro nei prossimi mesi avrà un gran bel da fare per evitare che suo padre venga deposto e per far si che Marc ritorni dall’esilio. 

Insomma ne vedremo delle belle. 


L'ho letto il... 3 Marzo 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Improve Netflix Quality

love with a vampire

"In love with a vampire" of Jennifer Armontrout :

After falling in love with Nathan and have accepted the idea of having to feed on blood, Carrie is convinced that her life is finally headed toward a relative peace. But that illusion did not last long: suddenly, in fact, Nathan turns into a cruel monster. And to make matters worse, his mind is to possess one of the most powerful and evil creatures that exist, the Devourer of Souls. How will the young and Carrie inexperienced to save him and not be killed by those who would exterminate all the vampires of the world?

*** Note:
below advances the plot (SPOILER) ***

What I think:
" I threw a fearful look of the room in shadow. [...]
I was too big to be afraid of the dark,
especially considering that I had a fear of light. "

Secondo capitolo della serie Blood Ties , Innamorata di un vampiro continua sulla scia del successo del libro precedente ( successo almeno per la sottoscritta).

Anche questa volta la Armintrout non ci ha risparmiato i colpi di scena e anche questa volta ci ha salvato dai classici scenari banali che ritroviamo “quasi” in ogni racconto con tema vampirico e non. 

Particolarità del libro (particolarità che mi ha un tantino indisposta) è quella che la storia è narrata sia in prima persona sia in terza persona…
… infatti, in questo secondo libro vengono presi in considerazione tre punti di vista:
- quello di Carrie, dove ritroviamo la prima persona;
- quello di Max (il vampiro), l’ amico di Carrie e di Nathan già incontrato nel primo libro, qui il racconto avviene in terza persona;
- quello di Cyrus, il primo sire di Carrie, anche qui il racconto è fatto in terza persona. 

E così, attraverso questi tre personaggi il lettore viene a conoscenza dei fatti e di quelli che sono i sentimenti, i pensieri e i timori di Carrie, Max e Cyrus. 

Quello che mi ha colpita maggiormente è proprio Cyrus…
In the previous book we found ourselves faced with a Cyrus evil, selfish and very much vampire, a centuries-old immortal thirsty for fame, revenge, glory and of course ... a blood Cyrus is gone in against death at the hands of the creature that had inadvertently created (in the sense that in fact he thought he had killed her) and that in a somewhat perverse had learned to love, Carrie ... ...
love with a vampire opens with a ritual where a coven of vampires joined by witches, Cyrus ... bring back to life as a human.
All this is intended by the father of Cyrus, the Devourer of Souls, which drew his son from 'Inferno to complete his diabolical plan: to become God

So Cyrus, held captive in a church by a group of vampires, awaits his fate with the only company anonymous and no use of a girl who has the task of caring ...
Cyrus has to deal not only with the fate that hangs , but also with the lie of his own humanity :
eeee yes! A human with centuries of persecution, torture, outrages the conscience
... But will the 'LOVE that will give his Mouse, the girl held life in order to take care of him, which will bring humanity on the road, it will recover from his arrogance, his hatred for the weak, which still flourishes in him like a second skin ...
So in less than a week learn to love, to be loved and to be human again.

Here's what Carrie thinks the pain of witnessing the death of Cyrus girl.
[...] I squeezed her arms and drew her to me, whispering words of apology and comfort, in the grip of a sincere remorse. I could not watch the girl on the bed. He deserved a better fate if he really had managed to crack the cold front Cyrus.
The Fangs had brought back from death, but she had been to make human [...]
So Cyrus Carrie runs to try, believing that you are always in front of the monster or a his surrogate human, instead finds himself facing a man who has to deal with his conscience and with a new feeling, love.
And, despite being deeply in love with Nathan, it's still attracted to his first sire, but even more from this nova his humanity.

Nathan: the latter, in turn, has to deal with his past and his remorse. Until you end up living in remorse for killing his wife and until you stop looking at every glance, every gesture of pure love for Carrie, for the two of them can not be an idyllic future.

Between moments of true passion, funny moments, moments of despair and moments of nightmare, love with a vampire is a book that you read everything in one go.


I read on ... March 2, 2011