Thursday, December 30, 2010

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The appeal to the mayors and Gianassi

Roma Sesto Fiorentino.
The appeal to the mayors and Gianassi Renzi:
declare a state of emergency to restore dignity and give them a welcome immediate
Required to address the draft ready to be funded by the Region
A group of eighty-Romanian Roma living in poor conditions Quaracchi - in the municipality of Sesto Fiorentino on the border with that of Florence - in dilapidated shacks and struggling to survive for over a year (pictures here ). Since yesterday the owner of the land has begun to dismantle the area and knock down some of their homes. The Roma, as has always been in their culture, they have opposed any kind of violent resistance, and today they do not know where they will spend the next night and successive.La the Region of Tuscany, which last year approved a law for the rights of immigrants, long familiar with the situation, visited the camp and made it incompatible to the retention of people from the point of view of sanitation. Since last April, the Region has also made available to fund a special project to address the humanitarian emergency and restore dignity to these people, mostly women and children. The only possible solution to this constraint is the availability of the municipalities of Sesto Fiorentino and Florence to work with the region to define an area, land, a building, where to give birth to the project.
To date, no effective step has been taken. Neither welcome to immediate or to start the call progetto.Ci Gianassi and therefore Gianni Matteo Renzi, respectively the mayors of Florence and Sesto Fiorentino, because in their decisions overridden by the values \u200b\u200bof hospitality and solidarity. We ask them to immediately suspend the demolition and declare an immediate state of emergency in order to intervene in the Civil Defence and is also protected so that the successful inclusion of school minori.Ci appeal to the President of the Region to the Regional Enrico Rossi and the Social Allocca Salvatore so they can reaffirm their willingness to accompany the two mayors, and in this choice of civilization.
We appeal to all forces finally politiche, sindacali, del volontariato, della cooperazione, della società civile affinché possano, ognuno con i loro mezzi e con le loro relazioni, prendersi cura di queste ottanta persone, ormai da anni presenti sul territorio fiorentino.
Grazie per l'attenzione e per quello che potrà accadere di positivo a partire da oggi.
Adriana Alberici - consigliera Q5, Alessandro Santoro - Comunità delle Piagge, Cristiano Lucchi - l'Altracittà, Eriberto Melloni, Gabriele Palloni - consigliere Q1, Maria Pia Passigli - Fuori Binario, Mercedes Frias, Ornella De Zordo - consigliera comunale, Saverio Tommasi - attore, Tommaso Grassi - consigliere comunale


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