Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mead Paper Land Ohio Hunting

Open letter to Mayor Gianni Sesto Fiorentino Gianassi

and knowledge:
mayor of Florence Florentine newspaper Matteo Renzi


Caritas Diocesan Bishop Giuseppe Betori

Dear Mayor, who
The writes are not its citizens but "neighbors" of the Florentine Piagge therefore not part del suo elettorato, conseguentemente le righe che seguiranno avranno per Lei sicuramente un peso relativo.. ciò nonostante sentiamo il bisogno di rivolgerLe un appello che crediamo abbia comunque diritto di ricevere risposta, al di là di ogni confine, sia di Comune o di Stato.
Mentre Le scriviamo queste righe circa 80 persone Rom che si trovano nel territorio del Suo Comune stanno chiedendo di non essere sgomberate in pieno inverno senza avere un'alternativa alla situazione di degrado in cui si trovano a vivere.

Ci rendiamo perfettamente conto che di situazione di degrado si tratta, che sul posto è presente dell'amianto e che non sia possibile la permanenza di queste persone in quel luogo, e crediamo che nessuno miri ad get this ...
We have learned from the newspapers of a statement in which he says that the municipality of Sesto is not required to deal with these people.
Some of us participating for years in the celebrations of May Day of your municipality, and on those occasions we have always heard to use other words, refer to important values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity, the partisan resistance, the struggle for rights, which also we share ... He does not believe that these values \u200b\u200bshould fall between the protection of the right to life of all regardless of social or economic conditions?
not believe that these persons have any case law to be kept alive, or at least not put at risk the survival sleeping outdoors in pieno inverno? O pensa forse che in qualche modo le condizioni di degrado in cui si trovano a vivere siano state volute, o meritate da queste persone?
Noi queste persone le incontriamo da tempo e ieri pomeriggio, in un'assemblea pubblica, insieme a loro cercavamo soluzioni senza avere gli strumenti materiali per metterle in pratica... non abbiamo avuto la sensazione di trovarci davanti a pericolosi criminali ma solo a persone molto umili che si trovano in una condizione di povertà estrema. Abbiamo avuto anche un'altra sensazione, molto chiara e netta.. quella di trovarci di fronte a un terribile dejà-vu, nella stessa situazione dell'anno scorso in cui un gruppo altrettanto cospicuo di persone fu sgomberato in pieno inverno dall'area ex-Osmatex.
L'anno scorso pensammo che con quella azione Lei avesse commesso un passo falso e che se ne fosse anche reso conto.. ma adesso veramente non ci spieghiamo come possa continuare ad affermare certi valori e al tempo stesso negarli lavandosi le mani di situazioni come questa.
Questa nostra lettera vuole essere solo un appello a spendersi assieme a chi sta tentando di arginare l'emergenza, cercare delle soluzioni che possano tutelare la vita di esseri umani in difficoltà grave, qualsiasi siano le Sue opinioni in materia.
Non ci aspettiamo con queste righe di sortire alcun risultato, ma i valori in cui crediamo, gli stessi valori che più volte Le abbiamo sentito citare, ci spingono ad esprimerLe il nostro schierarci da una parte, la parte di queste persone, the weakest.
We hope to see you lined up beside us, and with the opportunity to wish you happy new year.

Florence, December 30, 2010
of Community Association Volunteer Muretto
The Solidarity Shipyards - Laboratory Community's political Piagge
Coopers The Coopers Well
The Cerro
Equation Cooperative - Cooperative Community Solidarity Economy

Piagge Via Lombardia 1 / p
50145 Firenze tel - fax 055373737 e-mail:

Favorite Cloth Menstrual Pads

The appeal to the mayors and Gianassi

Roma Sesto Fiorentino.
The appeal to the mayors and Gianassi Renzi:
declare a state of emergency to restore dignity and give them a welcome immediate
Required to address the draft ready to be funded by the Region
A group of eighty-Romanian Roma living in poor conditions Quaracchi - in the municipality of Sesto Fiorentino on the border with that of Florence - in dilapidated shacks and struggling to survive for over a year (pictures here ). Since yesterday the owner of the land has begun to dismantle the area and knock down some of their homes. The Roma, as has always been in their culture, they have opposed any kind of violent resistance, and today they do not know where they will spend the next night and successive.La the Region of Tuscany, which last year approved a law for the rights of immigrants, long familiar with the situation, visited the camp and made it incompatible to the retention of people from the point of view of sanitation. Since last April, the Region has also made available to fund a special project to address the humanitarian emergency and restore dignity to these people, mostly women and children. The only possible solution to this constraint is the availability of the municipalities of Sesto Fiorentino and Florence to work with the region to define an area, land, a building, where to give birth to the project.
To date, no effective step has been taken. Neither welcome to immediate or to start the call progetto.Ci Gianassi and therefore Gianni Matteo Renzi, respectively the mayors of Florence and Sesto Fiorentino, because in their decisions overridden by the values \u200b\u200bof hospitality and solidarity. We ask them to immediately suspend the demolition and declare an immediate state of emergency in order to intervene in the Civil Defence and is also protected so that the successful inclusion of school minori.Ci appeal to the President of the Region to the Regional Enrico Rossi and the Social Allocca Salvatore so they can reaffirm their willingness to accompany the two mayors, and in this choice of civilization.
We appeal to all forces finally politiche, sindacali, del volontariato, della cooperazione, della società civile affinché possano, ognuno con i loro mezzi e con le loro relazioni, prendersi cura di queste ottanta persone, ormai da anni presenti sul territorio fiorentino.
Grazie per l'attenzione e per quello che potrà accadere di positivo a partire da oggi.
Adriana Alberici - consigliera Q5, Alessandro Santoro - Comunità delle Piagge, Cristiano Lucchi - l'Altracittà, Eriberto Melloni, Gabriele Palloni - consigliere Q1, Maria Pia Passigli - Fuori Binario, Mercedes Frias, Ornella De Zordo - consigliera comunale, Saverio Tommasi - attore, Tommaso Grassi - consigliere comunale

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Earthquake In Willamete Valley

Renzi PD and PDL in hand against Roma

PD e PdL uniti nel promuovere azioni risolutive per gli insediamenti abusivi a Quaracchi .
Approvata dal Consiglio di Quartiere 5 una mozione presentata dal PdL a seguito del Consiglio aperto mirante a "risolvere" il problema degli insediamenti abusivi di Quaracchi. I soli voti contrari sono stati espressi dai Consiglieri Alberici, di Perunaltracittà, e Bruschi, di Spini per Firenze.

seguirà comunicato

Maybelline Mousse Bronzer

Commission visited the community social services

Resoconto della nostra consigliera Adriana Alberici
I Consiglieri con cui ho avuto modo di confrontarmi sono rimasti very impressed by our work.
The presentations of the various activities have been very timely, thorough enough, and direct.
The more concrete proposals that concern us:

SCHOOL - training for teachers in various activities related to school and after school informal
- study with the fourth form our commitment to enhance awareness
territory, largely on the prevention dispersion

- support in the event of a claim of premises by Quadrifoglio,
- to study ways to make possible the provision of bulky waste
from us directly cloverleaf, as companies normally do;
- to study the advertising of many activities you do in San
Donnino, including repairs household appliances and bicycles.

- to facilitate participation in neighborhood markets for the sale of items made in the laboratory

- fitting in the near future, a logo that distinguishes
(I did not understand if the Community or the wall or
who else) on the leaflets printed by the District.


May - Presentation to the Association in May to
associations of District 5.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Looking For Anna Griffin Invitations

Convocation Council

VIA F. CABIN No. 150 / P
Florence, 6/12/2010
Prot No 3811/10

to the Sigg.ri

Subject: Urgent Notice Council. Please note that the Council District 5 - Rifredi, is convened in extraordinary session for the day

December 10, 2010 at 17:00 in the Sala Falcone, Borsellino and fallen at the hands of mafia "in Via F. Baracca , 150 / P - at the Civic Center, to discuss the topics included in the following agenda:
1) Communications.
2) Approval of minutes of previous sessions.
3) Motion to promote actions for solutions to the problems of settlements in the district of Quaracchi. - Submitted by Councillors Castelnuovo German, Marinelli and Menci (PDL).
4) Motion for the creation of signs and road markings to clarify the intention of the Office for streamlining traffic outbound traffic from Novoli. - Presented by Councilor Lions (PDL).
5) Resolution for the naming of the games via de 'Vespucci Frank Miller - Submitted by Councillor Benelli (PD)
6) Question to know when people will have the park Novoli. - Presented by Councilor Lions (PDL).
7) Question for use by certain local associations of Guicciardini School - Presented by Councilor Bruschi (Spini for Florence).

The documentation on the topics to be addressed in the exposition is at the Secretariat of the Council at the Civic Centre during office hours before the session.
No. 5 (Federico Gianassi

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Catchy Phrases Invitations To A Party

Urgent Manifestation anti-racist

Against Racism: rights for all and all
Sunday, December 12 - Florence
Event Antirazzista
procession leaves from San Marco at 15.30
with stops in the squares of the center: work, readings, music and stage appearances for access to employment, education, the right to vote for / against the existence of the CIE (Centre for identification and expulsion) for the regularization of stay disconnected from work and from wages against the Bossi-Fini and permission to stay "on point"
For the full acceptance of applications for amnesty and asylum
discriminatory measures against the security package
for the freedom of movement, residence and citizenship
Against the crime of illegal immigration and repression of immigrant
For the new members and info: Anti-Racist Network Florence