Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Is Freeones.com?

Fancy National Mobilization for Justice

La comunità delle Piagge vi invita
al centro sociale "il pozzo"
via Lombardia 1/p - tel 055373737
dialogo intorno alle parole di Antonio Caponnetto a otto anni dalla sua scomparsa

Rita Borsellino
Elisabetta Caponnetto
Gian Carlo Caselli

Permutation Combination Clip Art

Monday, November 29, 2010

Warhammer Lotr Strategy

Public Water Appeal Fund di Emancipazione Sociale"

Comunità delle Piagge Appello alla città di Firenze
Adesioni su http://bit.ly/uneuro

Un euro per l'accoglienza. Ma a pagare sia chi ce l'ha. Per un "Fondo di emancipazione sociale" utile a restituire lavoro e dignità agli ultimi

L'accoglienza non può essere né monetizzata né mercificata. Se una persona vive in uno stato di emergenza ha il diritto di essere accolta senza dover tirar fuori un euro dalle proprie tasche, perpetually empty.

If it is true, how true it is that the institutions have a duty to "remove barriers that limit economic and social de facto equality between citizens and prevent the full development of the person" (art. 3 of the Constitution), to any person in distress may be imposed a monetary contribution to be accepted in a warm place to spend the night. Forcing in effect, to raise the money necessary to perform acts stigmatized by it, such as begging or illegal work. No alleged pedagogical path of integration can exist under the pressure of blackmail for more cloaked by an alleged dignità istituzionale.

A Firenze, secondo i dati Istat rielaborati nel 2009 dall'Osservatorio della Società della Salute, gli abitanti sono 365.000: di essi circa 10.000 vivono in una situazione di povertà relativa, mentre 5.000 versano in condizioni di povertà assoluta. Crediamo pertanto, e ci appelliamo all'amministrazione comunale e ai fiorentini e alle fiorentine tutte, di restituire ciò che è stato tolto agli ultimi e alle ultime, affinché possano tornare a vivere con dignità.

Proponiamo pertanto che l'amministrazione comunale adotti, sostenga e promuova una campagna affinché ogni cittadino/a residente nella città di Firenze, che abbia un reddito superiore ai 1.000 euro netti mensili (ovvero oltre la soglia di povertà relativa), possa versare un euro al mese per la costituzione di un "Fondo di emancipazione sociale" utile a produrre opportunità di lavoro per le decine di persone che sono costrette a vivere sulla strada a causa di gravi vicende personali, dei tagli del governo sulla spesa sociale, per l'inadeguatezza dei servizi pubblici. Un fondo, ma è solo un esempio, che possa retribuire nel pieno rispetto della legge coloro che utilizzano le strutture d'accoglienza per lavori di pulizia e di cura del luogo stesso che li ospita.

Tutto ciò è possibile. Niente di utopico. Il microcredito piaggese - che nasce e cresce grazie al principio morale "Se hai, hai per dare" - ha raccolto oltre 150.000 euro in uno dei quartieri più poveri della città grazie a piccoli versamenti, anche solo di 25 euro. Con quei denari, che costituiscono il "Fondo etico e sociale delle Piagge", oltre 100 persone e famiglie con difficoltà economiche hanno potuto far fronte alle emergenze, fuggire dall'usura, recuperare una dignità perduta. Se questo è stato possibile ai margini della città, dove le risorse sono ridottissime, sarà certamente possibile costituire, con la partecipazione di tutti, un "Fondo di emancipazione sociale" per chi ne ha bisogno. A partire da subito.

why we ask you to join this call, turn it to your friends and talk about it in the family, workplace, school and anywhere you can appeal to the solidarity of Florence and Florence. This is the link to rotate http://bit.ly/uneuro .

Thank you for your commitment to defending the dignity of the past.

Alessandro Santoro and the Community of Piagge

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Motorcycle Lay A Way Columbus

Sottoscrivi la moratoria

We call for a moratorium to block the Ronchi decree immediately so that they are citizens with the referendum a decidere sulla sorte del servizio idrico integrato. Leggi l'appello per la moratoria

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Many Calories Are In One Piece Of Toblerone?

Troppi minorenni tra i giocatori"

È di fronte a tutto questo che il Centro sociale delle Piagge, da anni osservatorio del disagio, ha deciso di avviare il primo censimento sistematico delle slot machine presenti nel quartiere, nei bar, nei tabacchi, nelle sale giochi, ma anche nelle Case del popolo, nei circoli ricreativi, nelle Sms, dalle Piagge a Brozzi, da Peretola a Quaracchi, fino alla prima parte di via Baracca. Con un obiettivo: fargli la guerra. "Senza moralismi, ma puntando sull'offerta di alternative", spiega Adriana Alberici, anima dell'iniziativa e consigliera di Perun'Altracittà al quartiere 5 (which has just approved its motion against the arcade of Peretola and pledged to bring the war to the shared slot).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who Makes The Best Steam Shower Generators

Raccolta porta a porta

Monday, November 22 at 17:30
to Social Center "The Pit" to talk about curbside collection and think about our project on ' extension of service from Peretola Brozzi Quaracchi and, as Agenda approved by the Board of District 5.

- Beppe
Banks - Rossano Ercolini
- Valeria Nardi
- Alessio Ciacci (tbc)

participate many!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Private Dealer Auctions

Mon November 15 2010, ore 21.00

FIRENZE (FI), Public Water Network Meeting ATO3 Middle Valdarno
unite against the heavy tax bill by heavy tax reclamation services
bills Publiacqua SpA (ATO3)
Luggage advance deposit
Mon November 15, 2010 at 21:00
c / o the Well Community Centre, Via Lombardia 1 p Florence
joint meeting of the Networks of Public Water Movements
active nell'ATO3 Middle Valdarno (Manager Publiacqua SpA)

Join the initiatives against the Nets in Florence - Prato - Pistoia - Mugello / Valdisieve - Valdarno to counter the new heavy tax bill in reclamation services
Meeting open to all entities and citizens, and interested citizens s

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Can Diabetic Eat Raisins

Siamo solidali con gli immigrati di Brescia

Nine immigrants were up on the tower "Carlo Erba Imbonati Street, corner of Via Bovio, in Milan, in solidarity with immigrants in Brescia last Saturday that rose on the crane on site for the metro in Brescia in protest against the non-regularization of those who were in Italy when the "Security Package" has transformed the status of irregular offense of hiding.

"We ask to be granted residence permits to all those who participated in the amnesty, which as such must" heal "all previous irregularities, including the position of those who have the crime of" illegal immigration ", which is the elongated length of residence, as the police headquarters there and take between 9 months and more each time to renew and be extended to those who become unemployed and are looking for another, especially in these times of crisis, "Committee

Immigrants Italy - Milan

To contact the occupants of the tower: 347-0672632

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rhymes For 2nd Birthday Invitations


Public Letter ATO 3 from
Referendary Provincial Committee of Florence Public Water

The referendum committees Province of Florence for the Public Water wants to express its firm opposition to the initiative of Pubbliacqua to increase the deposit on the provision of water service. The manner in which this increase has been imposed on private law shows logical time to profit, for the sole benefit of private shareholders without taking into account the views of citizens and communities.
it is for the ATO in this latter task the planning and control of water service, It appears you have asked to implement Publiacqua mitigation measures and a proper break-in period as well as a comparison with you to reduce the effects on users.
The fact that none of this happened in our view is the clear demonstration of the distortions introduced by the private management of water supplies.
While acknowledging the attempt to intervene with Publiacqua to defend the rights of the community, within their own jurisdiction, the Provincial Committee considers your position too soft.
As expressed by you does not call into question the validity of the measure, but only the process of its implementation and the times when it materializes, it seems too little!
In particular, it seems to us that you accept a mechanism, the incentives granted to the person making the direct debit, which seems to be just a way to force people to accept the clearance. This at the expense of those who will not or can not access this opportunity, people usually belong to the most vulnerable populations, such as the elderly without a current account, the minimum wage and users of the building
We disagree with the intense propaganda activity that Publiacqua is promoting, the actual amount of the increases are masked by the message of an alleged gift would be to refund the deposit, including the part of the increase, those who accept the clearance. The advertising fails to explain that non-domiciled will be the only "obligated" to pay the increase in the deposit: the case of deceptive advertising and misleading.
Therefore, we hereby ask that:
A) is the ATO3 clear whether or not he has power to review and address against Publiacqua;
B) the ATO 3 state in question clearly its position, saying if for or against the increase, even before a say on how and when to collect them;
C) if it is not, to take a firm and decisive could help to counter and block the adjustment of the fee Publiacqua.
At the same time the Provincial Committee will devote all the possible initiatives to tackle this project Publiacqua, levied on vulnerable groups of citizens, without which the public has any benefit.
We disagree with the intensive propaganda which is promoting Publiacqua, the actual amount of the increases are masked by the message of an alleged gift would be to refund the deposit, including the part of the increase, those who accept the clearance. The advertisement fails to explain that non-domiciled will be the only "obligated" to pay the increase in the deposit: the case of deceptive advertising and misleading.
Therefore, we hereby ask that:
A) should be clarified whether ATO3 or not he has the power to review and address against Publiacqua;
B) the ATO 3 state in question clearly its position, indicating whether it is for or against the increase, before I comment on how and when collection of the same;
C) if it is not, to take a firm and decisive could help to counter and block the adjustment of the fee Publiacqua.
At the same time the Provincial Committee will devote all possible steps to tackle this project Publiacqua, levied on vulnerable groups of citizens, without which the public has any benefit.

Referendary Provincial Committee Florence Public Water