approved yesterday by the Council of District 5's motion to prevent the opening of a Games Room Peretola presented by Councillor for the group perUnaltracittà Adriana Alberici. favorable rating: Puc, PD, IDV, SEL, List Spini Right and Center for District 5. Divided the PDL has voted in favor and two abstentions "I accepted some of the amendments proposed by the majority - said Alberici - as the plant of the motion was without prejudice to the commitment of District Council is to avoid opening clear in the text adopted. " According to him, in fact, the District 5: "will work to highlight the relevant municipal offices, including among them, even those that govern the propriety of the territory and to prevent hardship youth, the inappropriateness of the opening of the arcade in question because of potential damage to the surrounding urban context and will spokesman discomfort expressed by citizens in this respect, promote a local-use object more suitable to the needs of housing and social context and support the concerns of citizens in the spirit of a participatory process. "
The motion must therefore be in the direction desired by the citizens, many speakers at the session of the Council, and calls into question the relevant municipal offices because they may place maximum attention to the risks that the proliferation of such activities pose to the housing and society. Also significant was the commitment the District to maintain a direct line to the public by organizing a public meeting may be stretched to accommodate their concerns and their proposals
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