Thursday, September 9, 2010

Did Raquel Darrian Have Implants

this week at the Hotel London Hoxton sleep again with £ 1

Sono felicissimo di comunicarvi che il 9 settembre alle 13 (ora italiana,) tornano le camere ad £1 all'Hotel Hoxton di Londra.

Per chi ancora non lo conoscesse si tratta di uno splendido Hotels in Zone 1 in London, winner of "Best UK Hotel 2009".

X on the hour (you'll be alerted by a countdown on their site) will be offered for sale 5,095 rooms and 595 £ 1 to £ 29 for stays from September 10 to 11 January 2011, and you can book a single night the price on offer.

is not easy to achieve it, in promoting the rooms above were all sold in less than 10 minutes, so be prepared.

My suggestion is to carry on doing the first simulations of purchase in order to become familiar with the reservation system and be fast in completing the form.

Good luck and let me know se ci siete riusciti!

Link alla promozione

Se l'articolo ti è piaciuto o ti ha fatto risparmiare offrimi una pizza o un volo low cost!


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